企业识别“千里马”香港律師人才( in-house legal counsel),不仅仅需要一双"慧眼" 陳蘇完律師 英国胡弗汉顿大学 法学硕士3 人赞同了该文章 互联网创业时代,企业间竞争激烈,各项资源的争夺陷入了焦灼的状态,人才更是争夺的重要一项。逐渐有管理者认识到,香港律師人才对于企业的意义非同小可,企业对于人才的重视度也...
As backers of sustainable entrepreneurship, ESG has always been at the heart of their strategy. Having just launched two Article 9 funds in 2022, the firm is looking to hire an experienced In-house Legal Counsel. Reporting to the Corporate Secretary, the In-house Legal Counsel will play...
Xakia’s cloud based in-house legal software instantly delivers time savings and improves the process for all stakeholders. Receive complete information the first time No back-and-forth for clarification that delays projects and turnaround times. One platform to receive legal requests Receive legal ...
No matter your organisation's size or legal focus, we equip in-house counsel with the essential tools for success in every aspect of legal management. Reduce Risk, Grow Trust Manage risk. Ensure quality. Secure peace of mind. Maximise Your ROI Take the right steps now to secure the outcome...
And while many legal professionals are still trying to get their arms around how Gen AI can be reliably deployed in their workflows, one thing that has begun to emerge is that corporate counsel see an opportunity to bring more work in-house. ...
We provide assistance for In house legal teams helping them do more with less, embrace digital transformation and provide elevated levels of client service.
應該說這種觀念也是有一定道理的,因為按照中國的《律師法》,律師必須在律師事務所執業,否則就不是律師。在美國企業裡,一般In-house律師的名片上印的也是“Legal Counsel”,而不是“Attorney”。但是在美國,Legal Counsel的專業水準、工作內容和私人開業律師並無大異,且一般都有律師執照,所以也可稱為律師(lawyer)。
In-house Counsel Software That Works with You Clio’s in-house legal department software transforms how in-house lawyers and legal departments manage legal operations. Simplify your work processes and track your time and progress with Clio’s legal department management software. ...