Companies reaching a certain size, or which generate enough legal work, often find it more effective to hire their own lawyers as employees rather than hiring law firms. Such attorneys practicing law as employees of a company are called “in-house counsel” and the top-ranking attorney is call...
In-house counsel jobs in Md. spark more interestTousignant, Kristi
an in-house career lends itself to a more balanced lifestyle than that of a corporate associate. In-house counsel generally have a better sense of upcoming projects, which lessens the chance of unexpected all-nighters or canceled vacations and allows for a more predictable schedule overall. ...
经纬中国法务组 In-house Counsel 招聘 工作地点:京、沪任选 要求: 1. 中国大陆重点院校法律专业本科或以上毕业; 2. 至少有4-5年在一线律所或PEVC机构的工作经验,作为执业律师全流程跟过至少3-5家公司的A股上市项目; 3. 价值观正、踏实做事、勤奋; 4. 渴望面对挑战、渴望突破自己 在这里,我们一起玩...
in-house counsel的中文翻译_百度翻译 in-house counsel 公司内部法律顾问
Average in-house general counsel salary: $292,212 Average in-house deputy general counsel salary: $244,051 Average in-house associate general counsel salary: $179,322 Average lawyer salary: $132,190 Among the top corporations in North Carolina with potential for in-house counsel positions are ...
企业识别“千里马”香港律師人才( in-house legal counsel),不仅仅需要一双"慧眼" 陳蘇完律師 英国胡弗汉顿大学 法学硕士3 人赞同了该文章 互联网创业时代,企业间竞争激烈,各项资源的争夺陷入了焦灼的状态,人才更是争夺的重要一项。逐渐有管理者认识到,香港律師人才对于企业的意义非同小可,企业对于人才的重视...
In-house Counsel HOT JOBS 1 法务总监 ·上海 1. 法律专业,统招全日制本科及以上学历,通过国家司法考试; 2. 具有上市公司法务合规工作或律师事务所工作经验,具有处理复杂疑难法律事务的工作能力和丰富的工作经验; 3. 熟悉合同法、公司法等公司相关法律法规;熟悉企业商务谈判、合同审核等相关法律问题; ...
The demand for in-house counsel roles is in large part anevolving perspective, says Mr. Barker. “Firms increasingly understand the dual role in-house lawyers play as legal experts and strategic partners for the executive team, balancing risk and value creation,” he said. “Drawing from their...
Many in-house lawyers believe the role of general counsel is being diminished in U.K. companies, with lawyers having to fight harder than ever to get their voice heard. 5 minute read International Edition Slip Sliding Away: Why GCs are Losing the Boardroom ...