Study:What does this passage, especially verse 19, reveal about God’s will and love? Apply:In what ways has God continued to reveal and manifest His love to you—even beyond any reasonable expectations? Share: Your friend says thatExodus 33:19sounds like predestination to them. What do you...
One of the most famous and sung songs in the history of mankind, was created exactly this way. The composer woke up in the morning with a melody in his head, and sang“Scrambled eggs, oh you've got such lovely legs”. In the end, he figured out both the melody and the text. That...
I ventured to the nearby snack stand to buy a drink. The cashier invited me to fish around in his giant coolers for whatever I wanted. What I wanted waswater, but all I could find were dozens of neglected bottles of soft drinks, “sports drinks”, and energy drinks....
God planned that His perfect Son Jesus, Who never sinned, would leave Heaven and come to Earth to pay for our sin. 神使他完美的儿子耶稣, 就是完全没有罪孽的,离开天家,来到地上,支付我们罪的代价。 Jesus obeyed His Father and willingly came to Earth to take our punishment for sin by dying...
Let’s uncover the tactics of the ultimate deceiver and learn how to stand firm against his lies. Jonathan Pokluda Verse of the Day 1 John 5:1 Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves the father loves his child as well. ...
“…to make the bodily life also divine must be God’s final seal upon His work in the universe” –Sri Aurobindo Share this: Tweet Share on Tumblr Posted in#sacredshoutout,QuotesTaggedGod,inspirational quotes,love,manifestation,religion,secret laws of the universe,self help,spirituality,Sri Aur...
I drew a triangle on the board and asked students to tell me which of the questions above related to who the speaker was and how he established his credibility. I wrote “ethos” next to the top corner of the triangle and defined it as an author or speaker’s credibility on the topic...
He glared at me and put his hands on his hips. “Then why do they say you’ve got a boner?” he asked. Then I was the one suffering from uncontrollable laughter. Oh the misconceptions of children! Well we’ve still got three weeks before school finishes for the summer. However the ...
I get to stand on His promises. He is faithful to keep His promises. He will not let me down and He will not let me drown. 3) I can turn everyone and everything over to Him. It’s incredibly hard to move forward when you are carrying the weight of everything you should have ...
His steps are short like mine, He doesn't say "Now hurry up", He always takes his time. I like to walk with Grandpa, his eyes see things like mine do, Wee pebbles bright, a funny cloud, Half hidden drops of dew. Most people have to hurry, ...