These hymns of ‘Immanuel’ are constantly sung in the holy of holies of the human heart. Here, such singing in His presence dismisses all doubts, casts off unholy ambitions, brings tears of repentance, restores the joy of salvation, invokes love and hope, and turns eyes heavenward. Here,...
These hymns of ‘Immanuel’ are constantly sung in the holy of holies of the human heart. Here, such singing in His presence dismisses all doubts, casts off unholy ambitions, brings tears of repentance, restores the joy of salvation, invokes love and hope, and turns eyes heavenward. Here,...
All of the failures of your father and the frailties of man are overcome in His presence. Being God’s man means saying, “not my will, but Yours.” It means finding your purpose in Him. It does not necessarily mean that you become a minister in the sense of devoting your life to ...
Since sewing his ECM leader debut with 2016’sInto The Silence, Avishai Cohen has reaped a unique voice as a trumpeter and composer. But in “Ashes to Gold,” the five-part suite from which his latest gets its name, we are introduced to the sound of his flute, which speaks of more ha...
It was a blessing to me to be there. I could go to the altar and pray when it was impressed upon my heart to do so, or sit down, grab a hymnal and sing a few songs (alone or with my sister when she would come there and help me clean). ...
Joel's breakthrough came in 1973 with the release of Piano Man, a song that not only became his first major hit but also earned him his nickname. This song solidified his reputation as a gifted storyteller capable of capturing the human experience through his lyrics. Throughout the 1970s ...
God has used musicians time and time again for His divine purposes, not only to destroy the works of the enemy, but to bring us into His presence through the oil and sweet savor of the music He has created…a garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness! Come into the Holy of Holi...
“traditional” hymn or two that I might have sung growing up, and we’d have a praise and worship part of the service, led at the piano by our Black pastor who had grown up in the African-American Baptist tradition and gotten his bachelor’s degree in music. For that section of ...
with his faith, and purpose, and his feelings for Henriette. Gerard, a childhood friend, is the local "mover and shaker" - also in love with Henriette. And of course, there is Henriette, steadfast despite the racism of the time, plaçage, slavery, the hypocrisy of the Catholic church....
the mercy and love of God to any soul; that God is the same infinite tenderness and infinite benignity in the other life as in the present life; that all souls belong to God, there as here; and that nothing but their own choice can exclude them from the divine presence and communion....