Synonyms for in high spirits in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for in high spirits. 1 synonym for in high spirits: high. What are synonyms for in high spirits?
I recognized the species instantly asEuchroma giganteum, perhaps the largest jewel beetle in the world (interestingly, there is a related but slightly smaller species calledEuchroma goliath), and the obviously very old locality label on it stated simply “Peru”. That wasn’t the problem—the s...
synonym tíng停liào撂 13 v.cause to fall down; fell; cut down fàng dǎo 放倒 put down shàng shān fàng shù 上山放树 go up the mountain to fell trees 14 v.put in; add fàng diǎn táng 放点糖 put in a little bit of sugar 15 v.readjust/moderate oneself; conduct oneself (in ...
and on the way back I found anotherC. discoideuson the spent flower ofHeterotheca subaxillaris(camphorweed) near the front part of the 2-track. I had not, however, seen my main objective—C. f. rutilovirescens—and was beginning to ...
Der Begriff deserfahrungsgesättigten Deutungsangebotsist im pragmatistischen Sinne ein Synonym von „Theorie“. Er soll den Kontrast zu jener positivistischen Theorie-Begrifflichkeit stark machen, in der „Wissenschaftlichkeit“ zumeist mit Rigidität und (gleichsam mechanischer) Methodizitä...
liǎo rán 了然 Level: DC6 Chinese dictionary Show pinyin adj.clear (about) shì hòu liǎo rán de shì wù zài dàng shí gēn běn kàn bù qīng 事后了然的事物,在当时根本看不清。 What looks obvious in hindsight was not at all obvious at the time. ...
I tried it on for size, after the sales assistant eyed me with suspicion, in case I stole it. Instead, in those first few, heady, head-spinning minutes, I found what I can only describe with the benefit of hindsight my best self, the self I truly wanted to be: flawlessly cool, pe...
Sadly, I waited and waited—expectantly walking the dunes in the area around the vicinity of the lure looking for the next one, but it never came. Perhaps I am a bit on the early side of their adult activity period. Nevertheless, one is better than none, and it gives me a reason to...
@tatsuristan Detached having the same meaning as “fair“…?? It’s the first I’ve ever heard of it.To detach is often used as a synonym for – to separate.
Obvious, in hindsight. Really, quite clever – the game literally told you exactly what to do all along, and you never find out what the word even is! Playful, if you really want to stretch the definition… And sadistic as hell. Sierra’s people had talent, but they clearly also had ...