In it were all the things which cause the heart to shiver -- a hunchback, a midnight burial in the swamp, the dragging of Miss Amelia through the streets of the town on the way to prison, the squabbles over what would happen to her property -- all told in hushed voices and repeated...
Hands, Voices, Spirits Lifted in Day of PrayerDavid O'Connor
while Burbage and the Chamberlain's Men are invited to court and receive ten pounds to play your piece, written for my theatre, by my writer, at my risk when you were green and grateful - WILL What piece? Richard
Accelerated formation of advanced glycation/lipoxidation end products (AGEs/ALEs) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of various diabetic complications. Several natural and synthetic compounds have been proposed and tested as inhibit... S Rahbar,R Natarajan - US ...
i heard the sound of i heard their voices i heard your i heart dropped i held it in my hand i hide in the shower i hit send i hold out hope i hope hes second str i hope i didnt catch i hope i didnt offend i hope in someday i hope it doesnt make i hope she will soon ...
She trod lightlyin order not towake the family. 她脚步轻轻地走,以免惊醒家里的人们. 《现代英汉综合大词典》 At first we spoke in hushed voices and crept aboutin order not toalarm them. 刚开始我们低声交谈,走路也蹑手蹑脚的,以免惊动他们。
66 per cent of people felt bodily sensations while hearing voices, such as feeling hot or tingling sensations in their hands and feet. Voices with effects on the body were more likely to be abusive or violent, and, in some cases, be linked to experiences of trauma. ...
i hdly knew i hear my voice and i i hear the red man un i hear the waves i hear ur voice going i hear voices that sp i hear what youre say i hear your voice on i hear youre feeling i heard a fly buzz wh i heard ashley say i heard laura say i heard that you re g i hel...
id like to pick sea s illhearyourvoiceswhen im a broken rose im free im getting good at mi im holding on and i f im so glad i found an im stuck here waiting im turning turning tu i of the voice change ill be back ill be with you baby ill give you everythi ive waited so long...