The biggest advantage of a raised garden bed is more control over the spontaneity of nature. Gardeners can control soil quality by using just the type they want and plants can root more deeply into it. (Generally, a well-constructed garden bed is no less than two feet deep.) Pests are m...
A dusty thermal vacuum chamber (DTVC) containing a regolith simulant bed is essential for testing equipment and techniques related to lunar surface exploration. Space agencies have been reluctant to operate a DTVC because of the challenge of controlling soil disturbance of the lunar regolith simulant...
The Bangladesh floodplains are fed by various sources of water (rivers, groundwater, rainfall, and tidal water) and many of them have more than one water source. The contribution of each water source and its impact on livelihoods can change on a seasonal or annual basis, depending on w...
Intracellular ATP content was determined in neutralized perchloric acid extracts and by a spectrophotometric coupled enzyme assay, based on modified protocol from Churchill and Storey26content (n = 3 per treatment condition). An insect was ground to powder using a mortar and pestle cooled in li...
Against this background, the proposed reuse of sediment is in line with the principles of the circular economy, as it ensures a reduction in raw material consumption and the recycling of a material that is currently labelled as waste. This helps to preserve non-renewable natural resources and ...
The structure, dimensions and internal fabric of the wedges at Mount Gunson, and the upturning of ground next to the wedges, are closely comparable with features of primary, V-shaped sand wedges that are widespread and actively forming in the Dry Valleys of Antarctica (Péwé, 1959, Black,...
The snow depth signal just after snowmelt was usually less variable than for snow cover; thus, we looked for periods with relatively constant ultrasonic signals to identify the ground surface (offset). Low standard deviations (SD) of the 5-day running windows, both in winter and summer, ...
The salinity of the brines can inhibit Ra sorption to the soil (which would have a higher potential of occurring close to the spill source where the salinity is greater). Downstream from the spill, the brine becomes diluted with freshwater from surface and groundwater, which could favor Ra ...
Raised Bed Vegetable Gardening With Hugelkultur; An Introduction To Growing Vegetables In Timber And Soil HeapsJames Paris
the samples were dried at 60 °C for 24 h, ground by mortar and pestle and analysed using an elemental analyser (LECO CHNS-932) with a thermal conductivity detector. The percentage abundance in natural samples was evaluated by counting the presence of each morphotype (as cells in a fila...