1 Chartbookofthe InGoldWeTrustReport2024 TheNew GoldPlaybook Ronald-PeterStöferle MarkJ.Valek October2024 行业报告资源群 微信扫码长期有效 微信扫码行研无忧 免责申明: 本内容非原报告内容; 报告来源互联网公开数据;如侵权 请联系客服微信,第一时间清理; 报告仅限社群个人学习,如需它用 请联系版权方; 如...
In our last report, we wrote: "Should the inflation trend reverse, excellentopportunities in inflation-sensitive investments such as gold and gold stocks will emerge." Since then, the gold price has been able to hold up quite well despite the strong disinflationary pressure; other inflation-...
We have faith in gold. 解释:这句话用“have faith in”替换了“trust”,传达了类似的对黄金的信任感。 Gold is our trust anchor. 解释:这里使用了“trust anchor”这一表达,意指黄金是信任和稳定的基石。 Our confidence lies in gold. 解释:用“confidence lies in”...
Ed Coyne:Ronnie, we're going to get right into this. This year'sIn Gold We Trust report is titledShowdown. Walk us through what led you and your team to this title. Ronnie Stöferle:Coming up with a good title or leitmotif for the report is always a pretty intense discussion. We ...
The 12th edition of the annual “In Gold We Trust” report titled “Gold and the Turning of the Monetary Tides”, has just been released by Ronald Peter Stoeferle and Mark Valek of Incrementum AG. The report’s Leitmotif of the turning of the tide refers
In Gold We Trust: Directed by Chalong Pakdeevijit. With Jan-Michael Vincent, Sam J. Jones, Michi McGee, Sherrie Rose. Story about a group of commandos trying to retrieve some gold, which is stored in a NASA capsule. During the operation, they confront an
In Gold We Trust September 12, 2021 Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read theentire Disclaimercarefully before you use this website or read the newsletter. If you do not agree to all the AOTH/Richard Mills Disclaimer...
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