the god made heavy me the godfather the gam the godless man uses the golden arrow and the golden bridge the golden spiders a the golden trumpet the golden vault the goldfeld-quandt t the good cop the good death the good good pig the good guys the good joey names b the good news of ...
Conservative was founded in 2002 to reignite the conversation that conservatives ought to have engaged in since the end of the Cold War, but didn't. We believe conservatism to be the most natural political tendency, rooted in man's taste for the familiar, for family, and for faith in God...
Sometimes, all you can do is sit on the couch to watch television. But for those of us with a taste for history, even a lazy Netflix binge can teach you a lot about the world we share. The best history documentaries on Netflix come in a variety of shapes and cover a huge range o...
"At least in the recording studio we were living together as God intended us to," she wrote in her 1998 memoir, "How Sweet the Sound." "Some days, we spent 12 or 15 hours together there. The skin-deep barriers of race seemed to fall away as we toiled side-by-side creating our li...
Rev. Peter Marshall; shared his vision of God in US historyVivian Ho
My wife and I cautiously subscribed to something called Netflix back then (knowing we could cancel at any time), and in no time we became the very definition of “binge”. Today we plunk down money for several streaming services, which come and go according to what we choose to watch. ...
they had met regularly before dawn on a fixed day to chant verses alternately among themselves in honor of Christ as if to a god, and also to bind themselves by oath, not for any criminal purpose, but to abstain from theft, robbery and adultery, to commit no breach of trust and not ...
or we can do those things that we read in the Word that are already confirmed as his will for us now. God can’t lead us if we aren’t already moving. I can turn my steering wheel all day long. But unless the car is in Drive and moving forward, I’m not going anywhere. Don’...
Shemini Atzeret is an occasion to rejoice in God's love and his acceptance of the Israelites' repentance after having committed the sin of worshipping a golden calf, as told in the Book of Exodus. The story of Shemini Atzeret Who Celebrates Shemini Atzeret in the UK? The United Kingdom is...
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