The Reformation period started in Europe, particularly in Germany, in 1517 CE and ended around 1648 CE. It was a time of large religious and social changes. The Catholic Church’s power and its role in mediating between the word of God and the general population were attacked and many new...
While in exile, Knox was licensed to work in the Church of England, where he rose in the ranks to serve King Edward VI of England as a royal chaplain. He exerted a reforming influence on the text of the Book of Common Prayer. In England he met and married his first ...
Kenya: court ruling a boost for secularism in the country on 2024-12-08 Humanists call for equal representation in dialogue with Council of the EU on 2024-12-08 Humanists International submission cited by United Nations Secretary-General on 2024-12-08 Our Students Face the Next Wave of Chr...
where God, outside of us, in love, works in history to redeem, save, bless, and adopt as family forever sinners like us. This good news message that God uses to save us in Christ was at one point heralded in Reformed churches across Europe and in America. However, after ...
These three means of identification provided the parents’ names for about half of the final sample. The others were identified from wills, or, with less certainty, by the general combination of probability factors, that is, whether the name was less than common, whether there was only one ...
In theology, the principle of freedom embodied in an attempt to get free from the papal authority in the sixteenth-century movement for the reform of abuses in the Roman Church ending in the establishment of the Reformed and Protestant Churches. Theological discourses imply significant consequences ...
Growing up in what was known as the Old Mennonite Church – as opposed to the General Conference Mennonite Church, where I suspect people smiled and laughed more – baptism was done by pouring. Rooted in the adult believer’s baptism tradition, for us baptism happened only when we reached th...
The Sack of Detroit: General Motors and the End of American Enterpriseby Kenneth Whyte An entertaining story about a bygone era in American manufacturing. The same author later wrote a great biography of Herbert Hoover. A Man of Iron: The Turbulent Life and Improbable Presidency of Grover Clevel...
This is all the more important to note as Euler's lifelong attachment to the belief of the Reformed Christian Church, in which his father had been a pastor, would otherwise make him an unlikely representative of the age of enlightenment. Jeremy Bentham. Not only did the Academies thus ...
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