431. Ask a French Teacher - When do you pronounce the 's' in plus是【油管搬运】500+集法语教程 | Learn French with FrenchPod101.com的第431集视频,该合集共计569集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
Are French People Religious 13:05 【YouTube搬运 | 法语学习】法语'de' 的用法教给你!All the ways to use the word DE in French! 08:03 【YouTube搬运 | 法语学习】法语外教教你口语小妙招,流利说复杂地道法语HOW TO SPEAK FORMAL and ELOQUENT FRENCH 12:14 【YouTube搬运 | 法语学习】在法国旅行...
How do you pronounce the arch in Paris france PAREE Meanings for Paris Paris is a Capital of France that is crisscrossed by wide boulevards and the River Seine and is known for its cafe culture and designer boutiques. Learn more about the word"Paris", its origin, alternative forms, and ...
How to say asketes in French? Pronunciation of asketes with 3 audio pronunciations, 1 meaning and more for asketes.
And I'm quite curious to note if these are the same kinds of mistakes that you make as well.So we'll focus on words with double vowels and how to pronounce them correctly.所以我们会侧重于有双元音的单词,以及如何正确地发音。让我们从这个开始吧。Let's start with this one here.Do you ...
How to pronounce chauffage Listened to:2.5Ktimes in: nouns in French chauffage pronunciation inFrench[fr] Phonetic spelling:ʃɔ.faʒ chauffage pronunciation Pronunciation byspl0uf(Male from France) Follow 3 votesGoodBad Add to favorites ...
Can you pronounce it better? Or with a different accent? Pronounce sang in French Share the pronunciation of sang in French: sang pronunciation in English [en] Phonetic spelling: sæŋ Accent: British sang pronunciation Pronunciation by bananaman (Male from United Kingdom) Follow 3...
In French, the word for "later" in the context of "see you later" is "à plus tard". So, if you want to say "see you later" in French, you would say "à plus tard". Here are a few examples of how you can use it in a sentence: ...
Ever wondered how to say "French" in, well, English? It seems simple enough, right? But pronunciation can be trickier than it looks, especially when dealing with words borrowed from other languages. Let's dive into the nuances of saying this seemingly straightforward wo...
'Part-time job' is translated astravail à temps partiel(pronounced: trah-VAHY ah tahn pahr-SYEHL) oremploi à temps partiel(pronounce... Learn more about this topic: French Office Vocabulary from Chapter 11/ Lesson 4 6.5K As an adult, you may spend most of your weekdays at the offi...