In humans, males have lower recombination rates than females over the majority of the genome, but the opposite is usually true near the telomeres. These broad-scale differences have been known for decades, yet little is known about differences at the fin
Oocyte maturation and normal meiosis completion To investigate whether normal meiosis was completed in clone D of Carassius gibelio, we collected different stage maturing oocytes and mature eggs from the artificial induction spawning females. Firstly, the cryo-sections of previous stage oocytes were stain...
The synaptonemal complex (SC) surface-spreading technique was used to visualize the process of chromosome synapsis in spermatocytes and oocytes of E. talpinus Pallas, 1770, a species with the XX sex chromosome system in both males and females. We used el
aDiploid hybrid females (HL) have premeiotic genome endoreplication in the minor portion of oogonia. This process enables the formation of bivalents during the pachytene stage of meiosis, as each chromosome has a chromosomal copy to pair with. Afterward, such oocytes progress to diplotene, and ...
Nowadays, obesity is one of the largest public health problems worldwide. In the last few decades, there has been a marked increase in the obesity epidemic and its related comorbidities. Worldwide, more than 2.2 billion people (33%) are affected by overw
(a). Copulexus; a male clasps the female inguinally rather than axillary to insert its tail. This reproductive mode occurs in internally fertilizing species(b). Monogamy is a mating system where females and males select each other exclusively to couple(c). In contrast, polyandry is when a ...
Gametogenesis includes oogenesis and spermatogenesis, which mainly are comprised of germ cell growth and proliferation, primary spermatocytes and primary oocytes formation, until matured gametes of double sexes production. In fish, the onset of meiosis of germ cell is one of the most important steps ...
The C-terminal Eps15 homology domain-containing protein 1 (EHD1) is ubiquitously expressed and regulates the endocytic trafficking and recycling of membrane components and several transmembrane receptors. To elucidate the function of EHD1 in mammalian de
DNA from a female axolotl, which should contain genomic regions from both Z and W chromosomes. Notably, a recently published draft genome was generated from a male and is not expected to represent W-specific regions39. Males and females used for re-sequencing efforts were drawn from a ...
These results confirm that tapetal cells in male flowers become binucleate at the meiosis-initiation stage and that tapetal cells in female flowers stay uninucleate until the cell death process is completed. The intensity of Feulgen staining gradually increased in tapetal cells in male flowers, ...