I.语法填空Eric Gale's tips for guitarists"Goo d things are happening in life for me now, " said Eric Gale, a famous American guitarist, "an d when you allow yourself 1 (receive) those goo d things, the sky is the limit (极限)." He also said, "Even if I coul d go back to ...
A set of in-ear monitors is made up of a pair of headphones connected to a portable device that includes the amplifier circuitry, wireless receiver and battery pack. In-ear monitors are typically wireless devices that allow for greater mobility and less bulky wiring, but hard-wired versions al...
Eric Gale' s tips for guitarists "Goo d things are happening in life for me now," sai d Eric Gale, a famous Amencan guitarist, "an d when you allow yourself 41. _ ___goo d things, the sky is the limi(钱限)." He also said, "Even if I coul d go back(receive)those to ...
"The Shure SE215 Pro in-ear monitors are a brilliant budget option, whether you’re looking for your first ever monitoring system, a pair of backup IEM’s or just some killer multi-use earphones. For under $/£100, Shure has nailed the value-for-money factor, offering great ambient no...
Personal monitors offer a level of hearing protection equal to that of ear plugs, but with the additional benefit of tiny loudspeakers in the plugs. The monitoring level is now in the hands of the performer. If it seems to be too loud, there is no excuse for not turning the monitors ...
【题目】Fric Gale's tips for guitarists"Goo d things are happening in life for me now." aai d Eric Gale, a famous Amencan gurtarist, "an d when you allow yourself 41 ___(receive) thow goo d things, the sky is the lim:t(权报)"He also said. "Even if I coul d oo hach to...
For those who have never seen or used in-ear monitors, they are two-part systems. There's a transmitter, usually a half-rack unit, which transmits the monitor mix wirelessly (via radio) to a receiver, a belt pack around the size of a mobile phone that the performer wears. This picks...
语法填空Eric Gale's Tips for GuitaristsGood things are happening in life for me now,said Eric Gale, a famous American guitarist,“and whenyou allow yourself 1.(receive)those goodthings, the sky is the limit.” He also said, “Even if Icould go back to the start, I still wouldn't ...
Over 4K music fans have voted on the 40+ Greatest Jazz Guitarists of All Time. Current Top 3: Wes Montgomery, Django Reinhardt, Joe Pass
Basically, it's great for the guitarist, and even better for the engineer and band. 3. Ditch the Stage Wedges in Favor of In-Ear Monitors. One of the greatest advantages to using in-ear monitors on stage is reduced stage volume. With traditional stage wedges, individual band members are ...