86-15626780251 leader@leader-cn.cn In domo Vibrationis Motors Foot Vibration motricium Micro Brushless motor Minimum Bldc motricium Linearibus motricium Cereless motricium Superficies monte (SMD / SMT) Vibrationis Motors Productus Applicatio Haptic feedback motors Phone vibrationis motricium Pager ...
Ego Nabuchodonosor quietus eram in domo mea, et florens in palatio meo: somnium vidi, quod perterruit me: et cogitationes meae in strato meo, et
Zusammenfassung Generationen von Forschern bemühen sich seit Jahr und Tag, die Anfänge einer Entwicklung bloßzulegen, die zu den jetzigen Daseins-formen geführt hat. Die wissenschaftliche Literatur über diese Fragen ist heute fast unübersehbar geworden, so daß es beinahe wichtiger er...
The 3D file of the model was created using in-domo cone beam computed tomography. Boolean difference and the subsequent modelling were realised with the help of a 3D processing tool (Co. Autodesk, Meshmixer). Each scan was then performed according to a set procedure. The image data ...
Import and visualize data from multiple sources for in-depth analysis. Access data from: Cloud business apps, Databases & data lakes, Cloud drives, Local files, Web URLs. Create reports & dashboards with 50+ visualization types Make use of a variety of data visualization tools, including chart...
Analysis of leaf essential oils in Callistemon viminalis (Sol. ex Gaertner) G.Don ex Loudon was used to determine the validity of infraspecific taxa recognised in the taxon. The leaf essential oils obtained, in 0.08–0.63% yield, have been found to be qualitatively similar over the wide geogr...
4Ascendit autem et Joseph a Galilaea de civitate Nazareth in Judaeam, in civitatem David, quae vocatur Bethlehem: eo quod esset de domo et familia David, 5ut profiteretur cum Maria desponsata sibi uxore praegnante. 6Factum est autem, cum essent ibi, impleti sunt dies ut pareret. ...
Sørensen, H. R.: Hypospadias: with special reference to aetiology. Opera ex Domo Biol. Hered. Hum. Univ. Hafniensis, Vol. 31. Kobenhavn: Ejhar Munksgaard 1953 Google Scholar Sternberg, W. H., Barclay, D. L., Kloepfer, H. W.: Familial XY gonadal dysgenesis. N. Engl. J. Med....
extō → exsto I .ex-eō<īre, iī, itum>VERBintr Verbtabelle anzeigen 1. exeo heraus-, hinausgehen, weggehen, ausziehen [obviamentgegengehen;ex urbe; e patria; de provincia; domo; praedatum in agrum] 2.MILIT exeo ausrücken, ins Feld ziehen [extra vallum; in aciem; ad bellum]...
domo - from home (adverb): domestic domum - to home (adverb): domestic domus, domus, f. - house, home (noun): domestic donum, doni, n. - gift (noun): donate, doniferous dormio, dormire, dormivi, dormitum - to sleep (verb): dormitory, dormant dubito, dubitare, dubitavi, dubita...