The dynamics and phenotypes of intratumoral myeloid cells during tumor progression are poorly understood. Here we define myeloid cellular states in gliomas by longitudinal single-cell profiling and demonstrate their strict control by the tumor genotype: in isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH)-mutant tumors, dif...
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(21) Hauke Lang, Department of General, Visceral and Transplant Surgery, University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz, Germany. Funding There was no financial support given for this study. Open Access funding is provided by Projekt DEAL....
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The viscosity of IMQ-loaded hydrogels was determined at 25 ◦C using a Ubbelohde capillary viscosimeter (Schott Gerate, Mainz, Germany). 2.10. In Vitro Permeation Study In vitro IMQ permeation studies were performed using a vertical diffusion Franz cell. The Franz cell consists of a donor ...
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bezeichneten Glykogenverschiebung vom Muskel zur Leber, steme. Sie sind Glieder dcr biologischen Homoiostase, die grund- s%tzlich einer physikalisch-ohemisohen Analyse zufiihrbar ist. Clearance, Uronsaurecyclus mit Ascorbinsaure-Synthese, u. a. 1st der M