The meaning of ALTITUDE is the vertical elevation of an object above a surface (such as sea level or land) of a planet or natural satellite. How to use altitude in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Altitude.
: possessing depth and richness a dark voice 8 : closed to the public the theater is dark in the summer darkish ˈdär-kish adjective darkly adverb dark 2 of 3 noun 1 a : a place or time of little or no light : night, nightfall get home before dark b : absence of ...
You can even integrate the software with third-party qualitative coding tools for a more in-depth analysis of specific documents. Associate textual information with geographic data and generate interactive plots of data points, heat maps, and thematic maps. Once you get the desired result, export ...
DepthTest DerivedColumn DerivedDataMining DescriptionTemplate DescriptionViewer DesignMode DesignStorage DestinationAssistant DetailDataView DetailPageItemTemplate DetailView DeviceTest DevTunnels DGSLFile Diagram DiagramError DiagramWarning Dialog DialogGroup DialogTemplate Diamond Dictionary DictionaryContains Diff Dimensio...
the$pathvariable is now a deprecated synonym of$sm_pathvariable. Any submodules defined in the superproject but not checked out are ignored by this command. Unless given--quiet, foreach prints the name of each submodule before evaluating the command. If--recursiveis given, submodules are traver...
Product manageris often mistakenly used as a synonym forproject manager. But while these two specialists are both managers, they carry out different tasks and have different responsibilities. The difference is in what they’re managing — a project vs a product. A project is finite, with a cle...
SentiWordNet DictionaryOpinion lexicon derived from the WordNet database where each term is associated with numerical scores indicating positive and negative sentiment information. SentiWordNet is built in a two-stage approach: initially, WordNet term relationships such as synonym, antonym and hyponymy...
Meicun began producing erhu as early as 1965. Since then, more people have devoted themselves to the trade and Meicun later became a synonym for fine and exquisite erhu. Huang Jianhong, head of the Meicun erhu guild, said Meicun is a major production base of erhu in China, with more ...
void FrameResource::SwapBarriers() { // Transition the shadow map from writeable to readable. m_commandLists[CommandListMid]->ResourceBarrier(1, &CD3DX12_RESOURCE_BARRIER::Transition(m_shadowTexture.Get(), D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_DEPTH_WRITE, D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_PIXEL_SHADER_RESOURC...
Therefore, for the same sequence depth, the difference in the number of species between iSeq and MiSeq will be much smaller. Such results indicate that the number of species that can be detected by iSeq and MiSeq are approximately similar if the same sequence library is used. Based on ...