i am optimistic but t i am out of my depth i am praying for you i am putting all my e i am ready to go to t i am really an idiot i am reasonable i am so happy that yo i am so sorry i am sorry i am strong i am strong when i am i am stuck i am sure she is keep ...
Nash equilibrium. But, the algorithm depends on Deep Q-Network. In online games, it is not easy to converge by changing opponents’ strategies. Neither in large search scale nor deep search depth games can it find approximate Nash equilibrium. This paper introduces the Monte Carlo Neural Fictiti...
The interfacial mechanism and rate constants have been discussed in depth in previous reviews (He et al., 2016; Zhu et al., 2019). Eqs. (1) and (2) show the reactions between each Fe-species and H2O2 to generate a reactive oxygen species (ROS) and their respective reaction rate ...
c, FASN protein levels of lysates from cells expressing PPP1CB–FLAG, Thr316Ala–FLAG or Thr316Asp–FLAG. β-actin served as the loading control. d, Representative ORO staining of liver sections from mice injected with AAV2/8-PPP1CBb Thr316Asp (PPP1CB-Thr316Asp group) or AAV2/8-GFP...
In entry Glean3:17590 (Additional file 7: Proteins with Ala and Pro-rich and acidic Gly-rich motifs) a predicted signal peptide of 38 amino acids was followed by a strongly matching acidic pfam_ls:Kazal_1 domain (aa39-88). The ensuing sequence consisted of alternating acidic Gly-rich ...
Briefly, samples were sequenced (150 bp paired-end reads) using Illumina HiSeq X to a minimum depth of 30 × , and reads were aligned to GRCh37/hg19 using BWA version 0.7.10 [22]. Sequence-level variants were detected with GATK version 3.3 using the best practices pipeline [23]. ...
As the thiazolidine ring of lugdunin is a unique structural element, which might be pivotal for the peptide insertion, we also investigated a lugdunin-like derivative in which the thiazolidine moiety was replaced by an alanine (LugduninCys4Ala, Supplementary Fig.19). Noteworthy, this structural ...
For a long time, PLS3 (plastin 3, also known as T-plastin or fimbrin) has been considered a rather inconspicuous protein, involved in F-actin-binding and -
(385-ELSD, G4261A), respectively. We used a 120-min ramp solvent program with 0.1% TFA in Milli-Q water (aqueous phase) and in HPLC grade acetonitrile (ACN, organic phase). The fraction collector was programmed to collect Glu, Ala, Pro, Phe, and Gly in 7 ml glass tubes at ...
A Distribution of HiFi sequencing depth across the proband genomes. B Distribution of assembly contiguity (N50) across the proband diploid assemblies. C Representation of a polymorphic locus in a genome graph. A bubble begins at a source node when at least two genomes are different and ends at...