Idiom: in common Equally with or by all. [Middle Englishcommune, from Old Frenchcommun, from Latincommūnis; seemei-inIndo-European roots.] com′mon·lyadv. com′mon·nessn. Synonyms:common, ordinary, familiar These adjectives describe what is generally known or frequently encountered.Commonappl...
sentence Redner: 1. orator Reede: 1. anchorage, moorage, mooring Referat: 1. account, record, report Referenz: 1. reference Reform: 1. reform Reformation: 1. Reformation Regal: 1. shelf Regel: 1. regulation, rule Regen: 1. rain Regenbogen: 1. rainbow Regensburg: 1. Ratisbon Regenschirm...
Armed with long-buried historical records of her incarceration, director Marc Rothemund expertly re-creates the last six days of Sophie Scholl's life: a heart-stopping journey from arrest to interrogation, trial and sentence in 1943 Munich. Unwavering in her convictions and loyalty to her comrades...
i have begun to i have blood boiling i have caused thee to i have decided i have driven here i have driven up amon i have ever been i have eyeglasses i have five consecuti i have heard of him b i have ice cream i have it in my addre i have just retired i have longed for th...
and then the flame of and then the sentence and then tightly clos and then to tunisia and then waiting time and then what happene and then will pass aw and then you call me and then you will see and there are childre and there came a grie and there cycling and there he built an an...
child for anorexia, except for the fact I really did eat. I loved homemade bread and ketchup sandwiches. Of course that has nothing to do why I was calledBluey,but everything to do with the fact I probably did just enough to keep a bird alive. I had to hear that idiom all the ...
Now, look at a similar sentence using hyperbole. That smile could move mountains.(Kylie Scott) Now that is an exaggerated, attention-grabbing statement of hyperbole. After all, while one’s smile might be dazzling, it’s never going to move mountains. ...
analyze, break down, dissect, take apart, analyse - make a mathematical, chemical, or grammatical analysis of; break down into components or essential features; "analyze a specimen"; "analyze a sentence"; "analyze a chemical compound" knap, break off, chip, cut off - break a small piece ...
When a sentence that is not a question ends in 呢 (ne), the speaker just wants to draw attention to what was just spoken. 哩 (lī) and 咧 (liě) are also used in the same way. 她很聪明呢. Tā hěn cōngmíng ne. She is quite intelligent, you know. ...
Definition of Impiety. lack of respect for God. Examples of Impiety in a sentence. 1. Speaking with impiety of holy things was a crime in the city-state, but