This large country has many different kinds of land.It has some very low areas of land. __37__ It is Ayding Lake (艾丁湖) in the Turpan Depression (吐鲁番盆地). Other parts of China have mountains. For example, part of the Himalayan(喜马拉雅) Mountains is in the west part of the cou...
trees < 2 cm DBH (< 0.79 in DBH), burn severity is positively related to species diversity of small seedlings (< 50 cm tall; < 19.7 in tall) and large seedlings (≥ 50 cm tall; ≥ 19.7 in tall); and (H5) burn severity is positively related to the presence of...
3. Approaches to establish the provenance of the timber 4. Short tree-ring series and the potential of oxygen isotope chronologies 5. Non-invasive dendrochronology 6. Concluding thoughts Declaration of Competing Interest Acknowledgements ReferencesShow full outline Cited by (39) Figures (4)Dendro...
trees < 2 cm DBH (< 0.79 in DBH), burn severity is positively related to species diversity of small seedlings (< 50 cm tall; < 19.7 in tall) and large seedlings (≥ 50 cm tall; ≥ 19.7 in tall); and (H5) burn severity is positively related to the presence of...
I started writing a reply to cmfireflies’ post, and it kept going and going. It finally became too long to be a forum post, so instead I made it into this page. What I had recalled Tomas Alfredson saying on the topic of Eli was: The film suggests that love is possible and ... Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Adema CM, Hertel LA, Miller RD, Loker ES (1997) A family of fibrinogen-related proteins that precipitates parasite-derived molecules is produced by an invertebrate after infection. Proc Natl Acad Sci 94:8691...
Prevalence of low body mass index in women is highest in South Asia (24%), with much higher prevalence in some geographic hotspots33. In addition, 40–70% of women in South Asia are less than 150 cm tall43, and the prevalence of infants born small for gestational age is 34% in ...
Ordination of the total RNA viral communities, eukaryotic RNA viral communities, and prokaryotic RNA viral communities recovered from surface soils (0–5 cm, colored in light brown) or deep soils (15–25 cm, colored in dark brown) are shown in panels (a, b, and c), respectively. ...
This is the first co-citation analysis of ORM literature that cluster the intellectual structure and identifies both the intellectual turning points and burst papers. The results reveal 14 distinct co-citation clusters, each representing a unique thematic structure. An in-depth analysis further ...
The polymorphic microbiome is considered a new hallmark of cancer. Advances in High-Throughput Sequencing have fostered rapid developments in microbiome research. The interaction between cancer cells, immune cells, and microbiota is defined as the immuno