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Bilan Chiropracticis more than just a chiropractic clinic; here, you’ll find a trusted pillar of natural health in the Anchorage community.Our providershave been part of the Anchorage community for decades and are deeply committed to helping you live your best life This connection fuels our dedi...
is a privately owned corporation by Founder and CEO Stephanie Adams, who was also the Partner and CFO of Wall Street Chiropractic & Wellness as well as the Founder and CEO of the 501(c)(3) non-profit global interfaith organization ILLUMINATIUS. ILLUMINATI, Inc. is the parent company of GOD...
Similar to body gaze provocation, the tendency to gaze at the bodies of others can involve deliberate effort as well as lack of effort to inhibit gaze behavior. While self-reported measures of body gaze are best capable of capturing deliberate efforts, responses may also plausibly reflect incident...