XQuery might be faster since the FOR XML approach will require multiple invocations of XML data type methods on the XML instance. You can use multiple XML DML statements to construct an XML instance. This approach is significantly slower than XQuery construction. Use the new TYPE directive ...
The Dutch example further suggests the possibility that during crises there might be a shift in the weight that the dynamics across each of the three analytical dimensions of MLG have in the decision process: the political mobilization of actors – bridge-builder individuals acting within informal ...
And some of them, even though they’ve come around, personally, to the view that the vaccine is something they want for themselves and their families, they’ve been reluctant to raise it amongst their parishioners because of the fear this might be divisive. I’m hoping we’ve now reached...
In that case, it can be assumed that an increase of the given metabolites concentration is typical for the early stages of the disease, which we believe in the case of the 5,6-dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid (Figure 4). This suggestion strengthens the observation of urinary DHICA ...
P8, for example, reflected that ‘the idea of making something, even if only short-term, inspires students, it sparks creative juices that might otherwise be squashed by tradition and procedure’. Similarly, P2 suggested that ‘it is really about keeping students interested in the content; ...
then.” Karanja’s smooth smile displayed the full range of teeth, the same yellowish shade as his eyes. Citified, Matthew Mboya might have said, instead of a good bush wog like the Rendille, whose lower incisors were knocked out in childhood to allow use of a straw in case of lockjaw...
One of the women at lunch advised me to avoid eye contact with people on that island because they might be witches. “Some of the witches can change from man into woman and even something with fangs or into a cat or dog or another animal.”“If someone taps you on the shoulder, they...
Applying same text modification in several lines Cool or not? Leave only the numbered lines. Com(m)a Trouble Words in parens Swap values inside brackets A HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014 ! Increment each number Vice versa Resort and deup a CSV list Delete to the end of the current line Simple text...
Comsider what might happen if our sensory and perceptual capabilities could be incrementally extended to higher dimensions. At a 4D level our stairways then might appear as hyperstairs, something like this: What if you perceived all of reality in 4D something like that? Or what if you perceive...
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