“Big City Greens,” which just premiered its second season this month, follows the misadventures of rowdy—but well-meaning—10-year-old Cricket Green, who moves from the country to the big city with his older sister Tilly, father Bill, and Gramma Alice, who are wildly at odds with thei...
Tilly wandered in and out among the band as they played I am not sure I’ve ever been happier, for an hour and a half. I think that this depth of joy is only possible by contrast – after sorrow and pandemic and isolation and loss. You don’t understand a perfect moment until you...
We oohed and ahhed again over the amazing temple-like structures of North Kaibab, the deep reds, intense oranges, light blues, turquoise and moss greens of the walls as we descended. With so many millions of years of rainwater (with heavy mineral content) pouring down over these rocks, it...
6. If you have your iPhone set to roaming (its default) then it will automatically search for the strongest signal, & if this is not your provider, again it’s your bad luck. The fees for the time will take your account to shock level. I was shown how in settings I could deselect ...
Burns Night is just around the corner. The Scots may be somewhat culinarily deficient, but make up for it with their poetry and song and the power of their booze. I’ll put on some bagpipe music (also endemic in my childhood, and I also actually like it), and contemplate Rabbie and ...