Main English Definition gluteal fold Simplified Script 臀沟 Traditional Script 臀溝 Pinyin túngōu Effective Pinyin (After Tone Sandhi) Same Zhuyin (Bopomofo) ㄊㄨㄣˊ ㄍㄡ Cantonese (Jyutping) tyun4gau1Word Decomposition 臀 tún butt; buttocks 沟 gōu ditch; gutter; groove; gully; ravine...
ON THE GLUTEAL FOLD IN SCIATIC NEURITIS.ON THE GLUTEAL FOLD IN SCIATIC NEURITIS.. By - Hildred Carlill M.A., M.D. CANTAB., M.R.C.P. LOND.doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(00)97238-6CarlillHildredElsevier Ltd.Lancet
Similarly, the gluteal girth at 1 cm below the fold captures both subcutaneous fat and underlying muscle mass. Given the high proportion of fat stored in the glutes and thighs as compared to other body regions [80], this measurement indirectly reflects overall fat accumulation in these areas, ...
Reconstruction of the gluteal fold in ischial pressure sores. The author proposes a modification in the usual technique for the use of biceps femoris musculocutaneous island flaps in the closure of ischial pressure sores. They have compared their new technique with the classical VY advancement flap....
Hirsutism in our study was defined on the basis of the presence of excessive hair growth specifically in the natal cleft (intergluteal sulcus). Diagnosis was primarily clinical, focusing on the density and distribution of hair in this region. Time to return to normal life was defined as the ...
Again, no statistically significant correlations were depicted at T1 between all parameters above-mentioned. Discussion Results from this trial showed that OMT has a two-fold effect: central, that is a change in the brain by modifying the CBF in some but not all the areas related to the pain...
Low back pain (LBP), a prevalent musculoskeletal disorder, is characterized by pain or discomfort located below the inferior margin of the ribs and above the gluteal folds, which may or may not be accompanied by leg pain (Knezevic et al., 2021). Its prevalence varies substantially across the...
(HO), and trochanteric nonunion. The AMO utilizes the internervous plane between the superior gluteal nerve (tensor fasciae latae) and the femoral nerve (sartorius) to minimize tissue damage around the hip. However, this approach carries the risk of iatrogenic injury to the lateral femoral ...
Low-back pain is defined as pain localized between the 12th rib and the inferior gluteal folds, with or without leg pain. As mentioned in the introduction, the forward bent position of the trunk causes the loss of lumbar lordosis with a strong increase in the intradiscal pressure at the ant...
The inferior epigastric vessels rise obliquely and inward from a midpoint between the anterior superior spine of the ilium and symphysis pubis and is covered by the lateral umbilical fold. Depressions of peritoneum reside between the raised folds [12]. The inguinal canal is held by the ilio...