Home In On A Target Worksheet
Eachrowin the worksheetrepresents a case, which is information on a single book order. minitab.com minitab.com 工作表中的每行 表示一条记录,这是有关一个书籍订单的信息。 minitab.com minitab.com Data requirements that explain how you should ...
Interacting with worksheets is a fundamental operation of building an Excel add-in. The Office.js API can iterate worksheets in a workbook object or you can select specific worksheets based on the worksheet's name, ID, or active status. Developers can create worksheets using theworkbook.worksheets...
Click the worksheet location where you want the upper-left corner of the scroll bar to appear, and then drag the scroll bar to where you want the lower-right corner of the scroll bar to be. In this example, create a scroll bar that covers cells B2:B6 in height and...
In Excel, choose theHometab, and then choose theShow Taskpanebutton on the ribbon to open the add-in task pane. Select any range of cells in the worksheet. At the bottom of the task pane, choose theRunlink to set the color of the selected range to yellow. ...
Headers and footers are displayed only inPage Layoutview,Print Preview, and on printed pages. You can also use thePage Setupdialog box if you want to insert headers or footers for more than one worksheet at a time. For other sheet types, such as chart sheets, or cha...
Select a Worksheet When you open an Excel workbook, Excel automatically selects Sheet1 for you. The name of the worksheet appears on its sheet tab at the bottom of the document window. Insert a Worksheet You can insert as many worksheets as you want. To quickly insert a new sheet, click...
Insert a row with headers by using theInsert row to Excel worksheetaction, specifying theRow index. To add a row at the top of the worksheet, set theRow indexproperty to1. Save the action. Add five (5)Write to Excel worksheetactions, one for each column (or header). In the first of...
Headers and footers are displayed only inPage Layoutview,Print Preview, and on printed pages. You can also use thePage Setupdialog box if you want to insert headers or footers for more than one worksheet at a time. For other sheet types, such as chart sheets, or charts, you can insert...
The following sample illustrates how to use the xlVeryHidden argument of the Visible property to hide a worksheet: VB SubVeryHiddenSheet() Sheets("Sheet1").Visible = xlVeryHiddenEndSub Feedback Was this page helpful? YesNo Provide product feedback...