Christof Gaenzler
At BV Labs each drill core sample is crushed to 70% passing 2 mm size. A 250 g subsample is pulverized to 85% passing 75 microns size (200 mesh) (PRP70-250). A 30 g subsample of the fraction is assayed for gold by fire assay (“FA”) fusion with an atomic absorption (“AA”)...
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Mammalian vocalizations are critical for communication and are produced through the process of phonation, in which expiratory muscles force air through the tensed vocal folds of the larynx, which vibrate to produce sound. Despite the importance of phonat
4d). To further validate the binding of iRNF130-63 with RNF130 and exclude the possibility of the pan-assay interference compounds, the binding affinity was measured by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), widely known as a gold standard method used to determine the thermodynamic parameters of...
If we measure gene expression across all genes in the same cell line using a specific experimental assay (for instance, the CAGE assay), two replicates of the same experiment typically correlate at an average of 0.94. A computational method performing at this level could arguably reduce the ...
“assign” relatedness values, meaning that for these analyses the twins recruited through the general population were assumed to have a relatedness value of 0.5 regardless of genetic zygosity. Despite this deliberate attempt to increase the error in our model, estimates remained relatively similar, ...
Cryo-EM grids were frozen using a Vitrobot Mark IV (FEI) as follows: 3 μl of the concentrated sample was applied to a glow-discharged Quantifoil R1.2/1.3 holey carbon 400 mesh gold grid, blotted for 3–4 s in >90% humidity at room temperature, and plunge frozen in liquid ethane co...
Two of the authors (Dr. Catherine N. Kibirige and Dr. Mark Manak) have an HIV-1 PCR assay under patent that they intend to commercialize. The assay was published in Scientific Reports (Kibirige et al.25) and is referred to within the manuscript as a viable option for widespread use. ...