inasmuch as meaning, definition, what is inasmuch as: used to explain the way in which what yo...: Learn more.
okay... thank you for your reply. Still, I am a little bit confused. Is it somewhat related...
The meaning of INSOMUCH AS is inasmuch as.
Cinema is also capable of mixing the visual elements of the opera: cameras can catch facial expressions from close or far, special visual effects can be added digitally, and montage (蒙太奇) can change the meaning of a scene. Far from replacing the operatic experience, opera-based films provid...
格莱斯(1957)将意义区分为自然意义(natural meaning)和非自然意义(non-natural meaning)。自然意义指的是一种经验世界里自然的蕴涵关系,比如打喷嚏意味着,或者说其意义是,该个体感冒了。非自然意义则是规约性的,比如说“我的另一半”指配偶,就是一种言语社团的规约。格莱斯认为言语表达的意义都是规约性的。 严格来...
Although not as much as in the past, grandparents are the teachers of the Navajo (纳瓦霍人) youth. They make young people aware of life at an early age. The parents grant them the privilege of teaching the children, and the grandparents take great pride in raising the children or at leas...
The name xiaoman has special meanings in Chinese culture and shows how Chinese people think about life. The word mixes xiao, meaning little, and man, meaning “full”. Together, it means “things are not yet completely (完全) full”. This name shows...
much like something/much as meaning, definition, what is much like something/much as: used to say that something is very simil...: Learn more.
A.children learn about the meaning of life from their grandparents.B.grandparents are usually unwilling to teach their grandchildren.C.schools are not very popular with the Navajo youth.D.parents hate to take the trouble to raise children.A.hated wild flowersB.needed to feed her familyC.tried...
All right, here recent are media examples of the idiom “in more ways than one”, meaning in more than one sense:1. Coffee can get you going in the morning — in more ways than one. This beverage, hot or cold, can wake up both your senses and your bowels. But why?Samantha ...