and the voice which i and the wars go on wi and the water of the and the wind can make and the word of the l and their branches to and their cost implic and their guests and their influences and their lawyers and their wives and then arrange tran and then became river and then by...
In Arabic, "entering a town" means to conquer it. So the dajjal entering every town means the dajjal will enter every home! This today can be easily seen today as the dajjal indeed entering every home through the evil that is displayed on TV and the Internet from:...
Does Islam's GOD swear by His creations? Contradiction between Amos 8:7 and Hebrews 6:12-14. The original name for GOD Almighty in Aramaic and Hebrew was indeed "Allah". Allah in Arabic and Aramaic means "The Supreme GOD". Yahweh or Jehovah in Hebrew mean "The Eternal". GOD Almighty'...
Ramadan commemorates the month when The Prophet Muhammad first received revelations of the Quran (Islam’s holy book) from God. During this month, Muslims fast, avoid impure thoughts, pray, and focus on doing good deeds and spending time with family members and the local community. Once fasting...
n. [密码,数字] secret code; an Arabic numeral or figure; a number Lacking his codebook, the spy was unable to decode the message sent to him in cipher. Show examples and contexts circle n. [圆周,圆形物] round; something shaped like such a ring; a group of people sharing an interest...
. It is one of the relatively few references to the relations between Ahmad Riza’s family and the British in the biography. For Zafar ud-Din Bihari, as for others who revered Ahmad Riza, the telling of this story establishes both Riza ‘Ali’s piety and his distance from the British....
Almajiri is a Hausa Language word derived from Arabic “Al muhajirun” referring to a person who migrates from his home in search of Islamic knowledge (Yusha’u et al., 2013). Due to the neglect and lack of supportive care, the Almajiris end up begging for survival; hence, the term ...
The city was built on three hills, two of which are separated by a deep ravine through which the Darro River (Arabic: Hadarru) flows, covered for much of its length by broad, tunnel like bridges.[39] The three major sections of the city are the Antequeruela (named after refugees from...
It’s also interesting that the word ‘Islam’ is an Arabic word that has a meaning, and that it is a descriptive term that means ‘submission’ or ‘surrender’ to the Creator. A Muslim then is one who claims to obey and follow the Creator’s guidance. It also claims that this basic...
The Ottoman Empire is named after its eponymous founder, the Emir Osman. "Osman" is from Arabic عُثْمَان, ʿUθmān, the name of the Third Caliph. We get /s/ in "Osman" because the /θ/ becomes /s/ in Persian, a language that, for secular purposes, had ...