"original_purchase_date_pst": "2023-02-22 03:02:52 America/Los_Angeles", "is_trial_period": "false", "in_app_ownership_type": "PURCHASED" } ] }, "environment": "Production", //票据产生环境,Sandbox/Production "status": 0 //标识票据是否合法 } //自动订阅商品购买验证结果 { "status...
When customers request a refund for a consumable purchase, you will receive a server notification (if enabled in App Store Connect) and this indicates to you a refund has been requested and you can optionally provide consumption info within 12 hours to assist in the refund request decision (app...
I made an in-app purchase and did not receive the item. I disputed the refund decision and it was deemed ineligible for a refund. I have contacted the support for the app and had no response. As it stands, I’ve paid for something that I did not receive and Apple is essentially ...
I was just wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction on how to properly handle inquiries about refunding in-app purchases. I've seen multiple posts saying to direct them to Apple's support, but is there no other direct way of handling this? Also, does Apple not provide a...
Page content loaded User profile for user: ekassos ekassos User level: Level 4 1,352 points Feb 16, 2024 1:39 PM in response to maison257 Select "request a refund" here: https://reportaproblem.apple.com/ Reply of 1 How to ask for an in-app purchase refund?Welcome...
在 Xcode 中新建Target,选择Other下的In-App Purchase Content,完成内容填充后,点击 Product -> Archive 打开Organizer,在左上角的列表中选择类型为In-App Purchases的项目,然后点击Distribute Content上传到 App Store Connect。如何处理自动续期订阅产品不同时长的情况?通过订阅管理页面让用户自己调整自动续期订阅。
Apple In-App Purchase Refunds iOS development, consumption application. For example, a user recharges gold coins after purchasing a product, and then maliciously applies for a refund after using the gold coins. How can we prevent this situation?
To help inform and improve the refund process, you can send information about a user’s In‑App Purchase (including auto-renewable subscriptions) to Apple via the Consumption API when they request a refund (for example, if they used the In-App Purchase or you were unable to deliver the ...
支持多种语言,会根据 AppleID 所在地区展示 截图&操作路径【送审需要】 具体操作手册参见Create in-app purchases 项目实现IAP购买 开发者需要接入系统库 StoreKit,苹果在 WWDC21 推出新的 StoreKit2 支持购买,但其需要 iOS15 及以上才支持,目前我们项目中还是使用老的 StoreKit 。
WWDC21 是历年来 In App Purchase(IAP,内购内购买)最大的变化,分别推出了 StoreKit 2、App Store Server API、App Store Server Notifications V2 三大特性,去年我们也编写了 《苹果iOS内购三步曲:App内退款、历史订单查询、绑定用户防掉单!--- WWDC21》 文章,所以我们本文不会再深入提及去年的更新,大家如果不...