默认情况下,应用内消息会发送给安装该 APP 的所有用户,这是因为 Firebase In-App Messaging SDK 与 APP ID 绑定的,如果想让用户对其有更多的选择权,则需要询问用户是否同意数据共享 以iOS 为例,Android、flutter详情可见 修改Info.plist文件,将FirebaseInAppMessagingAutomaticDataCollectionEnabled设置为NO 当用户选择同...
In-app Chat(Flutter) ZEGO Instant Messaging (ZIM) SDK provides the call invitation feature that supports full service procedure control. For example, the feature allows a caller to send a call invitation to a called user and allows the called user to acc
[FIRInAppMessaging inAppMessaging].messageDisplaySuppressed=YES; 允许选择停用消息传送 默认情况下,应用内消息会发送给安装该 APP 的所有用户,这是因为 Firebase In-App MessagingSDK与 APP ID 绑定的,如果想让用户对其有更多的选择权,则需要询问用户是否同意数据共享 以iOS 为例,Android、flutter详情可见 修改Info....
Flutter-WebRTC stands at the forefront of enabling real-time communication in mobile and web applications. This detailed guide dives into the essentials of integrating WebRTC with Flutter, providing developers with the knowledge to enhance app interactivity and connectivity. From setting up your environ...
Hello, There is an issue that concerns me, which is that the Flutter web application does not work on most hosting platforms. Instead, it only displays a white page. An example of this is Firebase hosting, where the application screen re...
Getting Started with Flutter Getting Started with React Native Managing Your Projects About Projects Setting Data Processing Locations Accessing Multiple Data Processing Locations Through Your App Querying Your Developer ID and Project ID Billing Service Pricing and Subscription Topping ...
Creating an App Messaging Experiment Managing an Experiment Indicators of A/B Testing Success Stories x-World New Soul Land FAQs Technical Support Videos Remote Configuration About This Document Service Introduction Use Cases Preparations in AppGallery Connect Creating Your Project ...
GoogleCloudMessaging Plugin APIs GoogleCloudMessaging OneSignal Push Notifications OneSignal Plugin APIs OneSignal OAuth 2.0 OAuth 2.0 Plugin APIs OAuth2Client HockeyApp Beta Distribution & Crash Reports HockeyApp Plugin APIs HockeyApp Wikitude Augmented Reality SDK Wikitude Plugin APIs Wikit...