三种汉堡风别是:双肉饼双芝士汉堡(DoubleDouble);芝士汉堡(Cheese Burger);汉堡(Hamburger)。 不过IN N OUT是有秘密菜单(Secret Menu),大家以后可以照着图片点了,有兴趣的同学可以试着把所有的款式都order一下,看哪种最适合自己的口味。 1、Fries in a Burg...
9. cheeseburger,cut in half 芝士汉堡切一半分装 10. animal style flying dutchman 动物风牛肉+芝士+酸黄瓜组合 11. double double,animal style 动物风double double汉堡 12. grilled onions(whole) 烤洋葱汉堡(整片洋葱) 13. mustard and ketchup 黄芥末+番茄酱汉堡 14. veggie burger(wish burger) 蔬菜汉堡...
Veggie Burger= burger without the patty or cheese. Neapolitan Shake= strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate mixed together. They Are Great to Their Employees I can remember back to my high school days when the minimum wage was around $5 per hour and In-N-Out Employees started off making $8.50...
Great burgers, great taste. Just burgers don’t expect to find options of chicken or veggie burgers! This is a proper burger fast food outlet and it’s great. If you have a chance to visit a In-N-Out burger restaurant, don’t miss out. There is only a limited number...
英文点餐:peanutbutter bacon cheeseburger 和竞争对手In-N-Out一样,Shake Shack也有自家的秘密菜单,让顾客尝过后就难忘。这个花生酱培根汉堡大受好评,香浓的花生酱和焦脆培根搭配在一起,令人食指大动。 IHOP 秘密菜单:洋葱薯条煎蛋饼 英文点餐:Onion and French Fry Omelet ...
Veggie? Grilled cheese with everything but onions and add sliced chili's (they have whole chili's you can get on the side) is one of my favorite things ever!! Kristine UntalanDecember 28, 2011 My usual: A #2 (cheeseburger meal) with no onions, no tomatoes, Animal Style fries, and...
The best veggie burger you can buy in a grocery store will soon be sold nationwideLeanna Garfield
Where is the BEST cheeseburger in New Jersey? According toLovefood, if you are looking for the best cheeseburger in the Garden State you need to visitDiesel and Duke. They have four locations in Montclair, Jersey City, New Brunswick, and Princeton."All the burgers are delicious, but you...
In-N-Out汉堡于2012年1月在香港宝马山举行试食会,并计划在香港开设美国境外首家分店。基本简介 公司名称:In-N-Out汉堡 公司类型:私有公司 成立于美国加州Baldwin Park市(1948年)口号:“你能尝出的质量”(英语:"Quality You Can Taste")营业据点数:258 业务地区:美国(加州、亚利桑那州、内华达州、犹他州...