5. To obtain as an equivalent in a different form: took out the money owed in services. 6. Informal To begin a course; set out: The police took out after the thieves. 7. Nautical To land a small boat and remove it from the water: The canoeists took out above the rapids. take ove...
There have been incidents of supply soldiers going to prison, for stealing from the government, because they were handling all that expensive material, and they thought they were smart enough to steal and cover it up, so that no one would find out, but they do find out. In July 2020, ...
And with the eyes of the world now on Russian President Vladimir Putin amid his brutal invasion of Ukraine, Navalny’s message of resistance is finding new weight inside and outside of Russia, even as he remains behind bars. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good...
I walked out to Ock Pop Tok’s living craft centre, meaning “East Meets West” which is the perfect analogy for the meeting of British Jo and Laotian Veo, the two co-founders. Since the beginning, the artisan social enterprise, has been trying to bring two worlds together. Merging ...
He has over two decades of a revolutionary, out-of-the-box career playing with the canons of hip hop and jazz, sampling, rapping and bringing a fresh sound that would forever mark the careers of rappers like Mos Def, and MF Doom. His body of work includes 36 official albums and an a...
Among the proponents of the latter, Price suggests that the patterns of maritime raiding that define the “Viking phenomenon” may be found earlier than commonly thought and outside the North Sea; he argues that such finds as the Salme ship burials (Fig.2) from c. 750 imply “that the ...
Some third parties are outside of the European Economic Area, with varying standards of data protection. See our privacy policy for more information on the use of your personal data. Manage preferences for further information and to change your choices. Accept all cookies ...
“ground combat unit.” Stanton calls the 3 / 21 Infantry (without mention to a task force) the “last U.S. Army ground combat battalion to leave Vietnam: 23 August, 1972. Under the entry for G / 29 FA he states that the battery departed Vietnam in September 1972 with no further ...
And on May 6, MONUSCO, the United Nations’ peacekeeping force in Congo, reported the death of two Tanzanian peacekeepers, killed in an area where the Congolese Army is presently fighting the Allied Democratic Forces, a Ugandan-armed militia. These deaths come after countless Congol...
Ukraine army Chaplain Mikola Madenski walks through debris outside the destroyed Retroville shopping mall in a residential district, after a Russian attack on the Ukranian capital Kyiv on March 21, 2022. Aris Messinis | AFP | Getty Images ...