"outliner", "tree-like editor" or personal wiki. Main difference OutWiker from other programs is a keeping notes as folders on disk. Notes can to have attached files. OutWiker can contain pages of different types, currently supports three types of pages: plain text, HTML pages and wiki ...
5 AppleScriptive Functional AppleScripts operating out of Keyboard Maestro, Alfred and Automator to optimise productivity. ChristoferK 69 6 prelude-applescript Generic functions for macOS scripting with Applescript – function names as in Hoogle RobTrew 32 7 AquaTouch Dynamic Custom Macros for your ...
We bring you the future as it happens. From the latest in science and technology to the big stories in business and culture, we've got you covered.
Tracking bugs using emails, spreadsheets, or user forums is not efficient or recommended. (Currently ScrewTurn Wiki uses this last technique of a user forum called"Bugs, Issues and Patches".) These methods make it too easy to misplace a bug and too difficult to manage its status, find all ...
The troubleshooting problem is magnified when you are asked to make changes to an existing application that hasn't been worked on for a year or two. You check the code out of the VCS and it won't build. Myriad questions race through your mind, such as: ...
22 @syshen/UIImage-FaceFirst Crop the image to specified size, and automatically detect any human face in the image to prevent cropping out any face. 21 @Kalvar/ios-KRGpsTracker KRGpsTracker is a GPS route tracker which records the running info to show. 17 @syshen/RACSwift-HackerNews A...
Run gdbgui from the terminal and a new tab will open in your browser. [7010星][5m] [Shell] etherdream/jsproxy 一个基于浏览器端 JS 实现的在线代理 [6991星][4m] [Java] pxb1988/dex2jar Tools to work with android .dex and java .class files [6964星][1m] greatfire/wiki 自由浏览 [...
1.1 History of SLikeNet 1.2 Version scheme and deprecation process 1.2.1 Pre 1.0 releases 1.2.2 Alpha releases 1.2.3 Beta releases 1.2.4 1.x.y releases 1.2.5 2.x.y and following releases 1.2.6 Client / Server compatibility 1.2.7 API deprecation and dropping support for 3rd party version...
Pazu reaches out to rescue Sheeta from the rampaging robot. Meanwhile, Dola, Pazu and the pirates arrive, and Pazu spots Sheeta atop the tower. Dola orders the others to cover the pair as they head to rescue her, but they are unable to get close enough. Upon her insistence that Dola...
sideswiped by another car.It was reportedthat both drivers pulled to the side of the road about a mile and half past the Newburgh-Beacon Toll Plaza. There was a "heated argument" and Aderson asked the man who sideswiped him for his ID. That's when the man pulled out a gun and shot ...