In a LC oscillator add some C with -ve temp coef to cancel the +ve temp coef of the L formin drift with temp. 在LC振荡器中增加一些负温度系数的电容C来抵消正温度系数的电感L,得到最小的温漂。 3. By answering these questions, the writer makes an anolysis about the...
Tuning an LC oscillator by using a coupled coil inductor which is variable in dependence on the output of an amplifierSTEPHAN WEBER
LC oscillator.We observe their influence on the oscillator phase noise,and we quantify the influence of their energy distribution in the semiconductor gap.Second,we give a behavioral model of an LC oscillator containing a SiGe HBT as an active device.The key goal is to study the susceptibility ...
The fundamentai assumption used in the theoretical model is that an oscillator acts as a largesignal LC-tuned amplifier for purposes of noise analysis. This approach allows us to derive closed-form expressions for the close-to- carrier spectral density of the output noise, and to estimate the ...
The effect of supply voltage variations on an oscillator circuit output are compensated for to reduce supply pushing. The change in a value of a first capacitance in a first direction in response to the variation in the supply voltage is canceled using one or more diodes having a capacitance ...
An LC oscillator can be used to study the processes which occur in magnetic fluids in the form of small changes in magnetic properties. A measuring coil is connected into the oscillator circuit, and the core of the coil is made up of the subject specimen, so that the oscillation frequency ...
A 1.8 GHz LC oscillator with a phase noise of -121 dBc/Hz at 600 kHz is demonstrated, dissipating 6 mW of power using on-chip spiral inductors. 展开 关键词: CMOS analogue integrated circuits UHF integrated circuits UHF oscillators circuit stability integrated circuit design integrated circuit ...
We derive the Hamiltonian of a superconducting circuit that comprises a single-Josephson-junction flux qubit inductively coupled to an LC oscillator, and we compare the derived circuit Hamiltonian with the quantum Rabi Hamiltonian, which describes a two-
SINUSOIDAL AND SQUARE WAVE OSCILLATOR WITH AUTOMATIC GAIN CONTROL There is disclosed an integrated circuit which functions as a sinusoidal and square wave generator with a direct coupled automatic gain control to vary the current through the oscillator, so as to keep the gain of the oscillator at ...
Disclosed are integrated circuits having multiple electromagnetically emissive devices, such as LC oscillators. The devices are formed on an integrated circuit substrate and are given different planar orientations from each other. Particular integrated circuit packages disclosed are "flip-chip" packages, in...