"I have really being blessed with the excellent strategies of memorizing scriptures.It has moved me closer to God, made me more spiritually alert ready to conquer any situation at any time and it has also given me a better opportunity in teaching the gospel with better understanding and boldnes...
Understanding Israel Rooted in ScriptureEisenstadtEvans, Elizabeth
how are his hidden things sought up!7 All the men of thy confederacy have brought thee even to the border: the men that were at peace with thee have deceived thee, and prevailed against thee; they that eat thy bread have laid a wound under thee: there is none understanding in him.8...
Let’s put this stake in the ground so we don’t proclaim individuals as the antichrist because their teaching doesn’t align with ours or our understanding of Scripture. Remember, God’s teaching (or doctrine) came through holy men who the Holy Spirit inspired, guiding our understanding. For...
have a perfect, blessed communion with them for eternity. Schell has done a magnificent job of distilling this enormous topic down to an approachable form that pastors, theologians or laymen alike can come away with a more than sufficient understanding that contributes to their thinking and ...
Etty knew that pain and suffering co-exist with joy and beauty. She somehow found a balance in order to discover that peace that surpasses understanding. She found that she needed to safeguard that little piece of God that lives within each of us and allows us to move beyond the sorrow an...
Apply:How does the fulfillment of these prophecies strengthen your faith an all Scripture, including scriptures that have not been fulfilled yet? Share:Your friend says that every religion has its own god, how do we know our God is the real God? How can you even prove Jesus even really ex...
This is common grace. God is just unloading the blessings of creation. God says — You can get married, fall in love, get married, have an intimate relationship with your spouse and create the best of life in family, in children and grandchildren. I give you all of that, and I’m no...
With the above meditations in mind, then, I’d like to offer an extended interpretive paraphrase of this portion of Paul’s prayer which incorporates these understandings into its expression. (Think Amplified Bible meets the Message Translation…haha! ) “After all that I have unfolded for you...
He knows everything. Today is an invitation for you to Know your Fathers Heart 18 The Lord is close to all whose hearts are crushed by pain, and He is always ready to restore the repentant one. 19 Even when bad things happen to the good and godly ones, ...