I'm the prince of generosity Are you foe or friend? Here's the path I recommend You want a ride to fame? I've got the fastest route What's it gonna be? Are you in or out? [Thieves:] We'll go robbing in all the right places From Agrabah dunes to Paris Imagine the fear on t...
In All the Right Places " was included on Stansfield's In All The Right Places lyrics by Lisa Stansfield: (j Provide song facts, names, places and other worthy info that may give readers a perfect insight on the song It can't be possible that rain can fall, Only when it's over our...
It’s one of those songs that can get a liiiiiitttle annoying (a little annoying) but also hits the theme right on the nose and it would’ve been criminal not to pay my respects to my elders and include it. Also, “all the leaves are brown & the sky is grey” has never more ...
at the peak park at the place where th at the rightcorrect t at the scene at the scenetime of t at the semantic level at the shoes counter at the south pole at the sports store at the traction mood at the traffic light at the turn of season at the upper end of t at the very ...
So it's very much a Matt-driven thing that at first I disagreed with, but I think it was the right decision in the end. Speaking of LA, there was a moment there in 2019 when you had to switch the order of the final acts at the last minute. Can you tell me about that?
Searching for my love in all the wrong places Word up on the streets is I got a bad reputation Yeah, I may have drew blood, but that was true love Get a stroke of bad luck everywhere I look Every time I go right, everything goes wrong And I self-destruct when I'm close to love...
There are poorly written song lyrics and descriptions of places I wish I could teleport back to. On the pages of my journal I’ve imagined conversations with my dad and my grandparents who’ve been gone from my life now for a good many years. These conversations are made up, but often ...
Searching for loving from strangest placesNothing is left but the painChasing Shadows, Chasing shadowsChasing Shadows, all your life最后还有Jack johnson特童趣的《from the clouds》里面提到的:i will steal you from this patient worldlet it chase us, it could never take you back.哦,又想到个radio...
A Lill Perspective Want to hear about my musings? You're in the right place. Feeds: Posts Comments The Living and The Dead February 14, 2024 by Lill One of the GCSE poems I teach, ‘My Father Would Not Show Us’ by Ingrid de Kok is a poem about an (adult) child processing the...
DaVido "IN THE GARDEN": Baddest Never seen a man like you Oh-oh-oh Been to a lot of places but no one like you Yeah-yeah I...