In addition to counting code in individual text files, directories, and git repositories, cloc can also count code in archive files such as .tar (including compressed versions), .zip, Python wheel .whl, Jupyter notebook .ipynb, source RPMs .rpm or .src (requires rpm2cpio), and Debian .d...
In addition to counting code in individual text files, directories, and git repositories, cloc can also count code in archive files such as .tar (including compressed versions), .zip, Python wheel .whl, Jupyter notebook .ipynb, source RPMs .rpm or .src (requires rpm2cpio), and Debian .d...
In addition to lower viscosity, the biodiesel's cetane number is maximum, i.e., 58, which is an indicator of fuel ignition efficiency [178]. Certain other methyl ester fatty acids' physical properties are like pour point and cloud point, which are significantly greater than diesel fuel, ...
Further, these results suggest that PFC activity correlates with externally and internally driven switches in subjective conscious perception of simple visual features like direction of motion, in addition to the externally induced perceptual suppression of faces and more complex stimuli17. Next, we ...
Cadmium (Cd) is one of the common toxic heavy metals (HMs), having harmful effects on the environment and potential health hazards allied with food chain contamination due to higher mobility, easy integration capacity in ion channels, and prolonged persi
Memory consolidation during sleep is thought to depend on the coordinated interplay between cortical slow waves, thalamocortical sleep spindles and hippocampal ripples, but direct evidence is lacking. Here, we implemented real-time closed-loop deep brain stimulation in human prefrontal cortex during sleep...
Finally, in addition to the cognitive benefits of advocating the intervention’s message to others, framing the exercise as one that can help others may increase students’ affective engagement as well. Mindset, belonging, and difference education interventions often require that students present the ...
In addition to proteins that bind to the 5′ UTR of the psbA mRNA, also proteins interacting with the 3′ UTR have been described. Two RNA binding proteins of 37 and 38 kDa have been shown to bind specifically to the 30 nucleotide region of the psbA mRNA immediately downstream from the ...
1574.Shortest-Subarray-to-be-Removed-to-Make-Array-Sorted (H-) 1580.Put-Boxes-Into-the-Warehouse-II (H-) 1687.Delivering-Boxes-from-Storage-to-Ports (H) 1793.Maximum-Score-of-a-Good-Subarray (M+) 1989.Maximum-Number-of-People-That-Can-Be-Caught-in-Tag (M+) 2354.Number-of-Excellent...
1687 Bourne Again Shell 28 307 386 1614 Prolog 13 447 42 1594 JSON 19 1 0 1396 CSS 4 151 181 790 Objective-C 7 98 61 635 Windows Resource File 20 120 145 604 Expect 6 104 161 565 Windows Message File 3 104 19 500 RobotFramework 1 0 0 441 dtrace 9 59 179 306 XSLT 5 76 55...