In additionto the killed and wounded, many were missing. 除了伤亡之外, 还有许多人失踪. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 In additionto the impressiveness of the settings , there is a use of the camera which at times seems magical. 除了布景的感染力外, 摄影机的使用技巧有时显出不可思议的效果. ...
in addition 基本解释 另外 词组短语 1、in additionto另外,加之,除…之外(还) 2、in additionto... 除...而外 3、In Addition To his Other Duties 在他的其他职责之外 4、in additionto doing 除了做……之外 5、in additionto doing something 除了做点什么 ...
“in addition”的中文翻译为“此外;另外;除……之外;还有;加之”。 从参考资料中的例句可以清晰地看到其用法和含义。例如“In addition, he served as a visiting professor at several American universities.”(除此之外,他还是几所美国大学的访问教授),这里“in addition”表示在已陈述的情况之外,还有补充的信息...
翻译:除了刷篱笆外,汤姆还得打扫院子。 出处:Emily Brontë, "Wuthering Heights" 句子:In addition to her own sorrow, she had to comfort her younger brother. 翻译:除了自己的悲伤外,她还得安慰她的弟弟。 出处:George Orwell, "1984" 句子:In addition to his daily work, Winston had to attend poli...
in addition汉语翻译 另外 in addition英语解释 副词in addition: by way of addition; furthermore 同义词:additionally, to boot in addition例句 In addition(to the names on the list) there are six other applicants. 除此(名单上的名字)之外,还有六个申请人。
“in addition”的中文翻译是“此外;另外;除……之外;还有;加之”。 以下是详细的解释: 一、基本含义 “in addition”这个英文短语,在中文中通常被翻译为“此外;另外;除……之外;还有;加之”,用于表示在已经提到的事物或情况之外,还有其他的事物或情况存在。 二、具体用法 ...
“in addition”主要可译为“此外”“另外”“除……之外(还)”“还有”“加之”等。 从词性上看,“in addition”是一个固定短语,在句中作副词。 其发音:英 [ɪn əˈdɪʃn],美 [ɪn əˈdɪʃn]。 以下是一些例句及其翻译帮助理解: 1. In addition, you can a type must have...
in addition 读音:美英 in addition基本解释 此外,另外;加之;除…之外 分词解释 addition加,增加,附加
in addition中文翻译 in addition中文翻译基本解释 ●in addition:此外,另外