accordance with the main expression of grammatical meaning into analytical language, synthetic language, etc.. This classification helps to understand the structure of language, but it does not generalize the diversity of world language, nor
Farm loan waiver: To assist the farmers who are in distress, the Government came up with the process called Loan waiver. In accordance with this, the government will pay defaulted loans taken by the farmers. There is a timeline vis-a-vis when this process took it’s birth but acknowledging...
“…in the Council of States, all constituent parts of the Union – call them States. Units or what you like – shall be equally represented. Whereas in the lower House, or the House of the People you may have representation in accordance with number, in the Upper House or Council of ...
If the meaning in this type of art is transferred interlinually, the transfer is called audio-visual translation. The phenomenon that appears in the translation of cinematographic art can be seen from a semiotic perspective called code (Eco [49]. In a communication process, the discourse about...
Description: RG Centre for Advanced Studies (GRGCAS) is a part of the GRG Group of Institutions in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. GRGCAS aims to be a Centre of Excellence for the Theory and Practice of Management. The Centre provides focused and specialized programmes in management, primarily for the...
In this trial, Campantar composed the poem beginning with the words vāḻka antaṇar (3. 54). The meaning of the first verse in this popular decade can be briefly explained as follows: Long live the brahmins, long live the devas, long live the cows, may rain shower, may the ...
All the parameters here have the same meaning as before. Z-test was also performed to calculate the z-score which determines the significance level of clusters. A high positive z-score for a county indicates that the surrounding counties have similar incidences (either High-High or Low-Low)....
Finally, Tamil Nadu ended with a short visit to the mystical land of Kanyakumari, popularly known for Triveni Sangam, meeting point of the three oceans that surround the peninsular region of our Incredible India. One that envisages the true feeling of being in touch with the spiritual side of...
Patil P, Tamilmani K, Rana NP, Raghavan V. Understanding consumer adoption of mobile payment in India: Extending Meta-UTAUT model with personal innovativeness, anxiety, trust, and grievance redressal. Int J Inform Manag. 2020; 54. ...
When your wish comes true, and the second eye is painted in, this is sometimes called “both eyes pop open” (Me ga Deru 芽が出る or 目が出る or Me ga Deta 目が出た or Ryōme ga aku 両目が開く), a Japanese phrase meaning a winning roll of the dice (the eyes of the dice ...