Graphic Thesaurus 🔍 Display ON Animation ON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> personallyin person adv Synonyms for in person advin the flesh Synonyms personally Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.Want...
The meaning of WAY is a thoroughfare for travel or transportation from place to place. How to use way in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Way.
(used to indicate inclusion within or occurrence during a period or limit of time): in ancient times; a task done in ten minutes. (used to indicate limitation or qualification, as of situation, condition, relation, manner, action, etc.): ...
The meaning of ALL is the whole amount, quantity, or extent of. How to use all in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of All.
Medical Legal Financial Idioms Encyclopedia </>embed</> ahead beforehand ahead of time front advanced advance situated ahea... in advance all adj adv Synonyms for in advance adjsituated ahead or going before Synonyms advance advanced Related Words ...
3. 迅速,立即:in a manner of speaking 可以说 | in a flash 迅速,立即 | in authority 有权 4. 转瞬,立刻:*flash n. 闪光,转瞬间 vi. 闪现,闪光 | in a flash 转瞬,立刻 | flashlight n. (照相机的)闪光 in a flash 双语例句 1. China's most authoritative dictionary the most professional ma...
"Synonyms.netis a good place to go for a simple synonym search... it has a term for the day and a front page with trending words. Mostly, I like the design; the colors are nice and mellow, which is a relief after hours of staring at a screen." ...
英英释义 网络解释 adv 1. in a hurried or hasty manner e.g. the way they buried him so hurriedly was disgracefulhastily, he scanned the headlinessold in haste and at a sacrifice Synonym: hurriedlyhastily近义词 临近词 hurriedly匆忙地 hastily匆忙地 相关列句 But now we must leave it, and...
“In the same way” is a phrase that can effectively replace “as same as” when emphasizing a parallel or comparable situation. It highlights a similarity in the manner or method of doing something, without necessarily implying complete equivalence. Example: “He approached the problem in the ...
begotten of uniform and synchronous vibrations, as of a string at various degrees of tension; the science of harmonical tones which treats of the principles of harmony, or the properties, dependences, and relations of tones to each other; the art of combining tones in a manner to please the...