(a) Co-segregation of the MCF2L c.2066A4G p.(Asp689Gly) variant in a small pedigree with premature CVD. Squares represent males and circles represent females. Right half-filled symbols represent cases with premature CVD. The arrow indicated the index case. Left upper forth-part-filled ...
Cumulative reproductive success in the G1 white spruce clonal seed orchard obtained using pedigree reconstruction with genomic profiles with a set of 2000 SNPs. Circles represent the reproductive success rate of 151 parents over 420 offspring from five seedlots obtained before roguing the orchard. Squa...
Putatively unrelated individuals within each genetic group were then identified by (1) generating the additive relationship matrix (A) from the COLONY-derived pedigree using the ‘makeA’ function of the ‘nadiv’ package (version (Wolak, 2012)); (2) generating a list of individuals ...
Practical considerations regarding the use of genotype and pedigree data to model relatedness in the context of genome-wide association studies. G3 (Bethesda). 2013;3(10):1861–7. https://doi.org/10.1534/g3.113.007948. Wimmer V, Albrecht T, Auinger H-J, Schön C-C. synbreed: a ...
princely burials would represent the manifestation of dynastic systems of power, in which political hegemony was at least partially based on biologically inherited privilege10,11, a hallmark of early complex societies16. The nature of the early Celtic political system, especially the importance of ...
Let those who have a real and heartfelt relish for London society and the privilege of an entree into its most select circles, admit that Major Pendennis was a man of no ordinary generosity and affection, in the sacrifice which he now made. He gave up London in May,--his newspapers and...
Tan circles represent the individual GO terms, numbered as in B. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) 3.3. T cells in the brain of haSyn mice display an activated marker profile Since T cell ...
Much of the world was so dependent on the kingdom’s black goo that they turned a blind eye to many of the activities that occurred within the kingdom walls. They would say, “while we certainly would not do things like that here, who are we to judge what other’s do behind their ...
a–d, Inner to outer circles: a, Homeologous regions in the rainbow trout genome subdivided into 88 collinear blocks along 29 chromosomes. The red rectangles represent blocks of sequences without identifiable duplicated regions elsewhere in the genome. b, Genomic similarity (in 1-Mb intervals) ...
Networks (all at the same scale) based on 21 Y-STRs for (a) R1a1-GML2; (b) paragroup R1a1-GML8*; (c) R1a1-GML9. Circles represent haplotypes, with areas proportional to frequency, and coloured to represent populations as shown in the key. Lines between haplotypes (links) represent...