Choose the Right Synonym for hurry haste, hurry, speed, expedition, dispatch mean quickness in movement or action. haste applies to personal action and implies urgency and precipitancy and often rashness. marry in haste hurry often has a strong suggestion of agitated bustle or confusion. in ...
Synonym of Rashly is airily, audaciously,barefacedly, boldly, brashly, bravely,carelessly, cheekily, daringly, doltishly, every which way, foolhardily, frivolously,hastily, head-first,headlong, heedlessly, hurriedly,impudently, in a hurry, light-heartedly, lightsomely, mindlessly,negligently, . ...
adj.hastily; hasty; in a hurry/rush dòng shēn shí tài cōng cù le bǎ gǎo zi wàng zài jiā li méi dài lái 动身时太匆促了,把稿子忘在家里没带来。 Since we set out too hastily, I forgot to take the manuscript with me. ...
adj.flurried; in panic; in a hurry; panic-stricken cāng huáng tuì què 仓皇退却 retreat in haste cāng huáng táo mìng 仓皇逃命 run for one's life cāng huáng chè tuì 仓皇撤退 beat a hasty retreat cāng huáng de rén qún xiàng sì miàn táo pǎo ...
Synonym: vainly高考真题例句 高考真题例句 OG vain Jeff searched in vain for Rosie in the next four days. 在接下来的四天里 Jeff 没有找到 Rosie。 2019全国卷2近义词 临近词 vainly徒劳地 相关列句 They tried to rally the pound sterling but in vain.(他们企图恢复英镑币值,但劳而无功...
10. The central authority should waste no time in strengthening administration and supervision of this field. in no time 英英释义 adv 1. in a relatively short time e.g. she finished the assignment in no time Synonym: very fast
Synonym: hurriedly hastily in haste [in heist] 中文翻译 1 na. 急着;急忙地;仓促地 2 [网络] 匆忙;匆忙地;急速地 相关单词 in haste 相关单词辨析 haste, hurry, speed, dispatch 的区别和用法 这组词都有“迅速,急速”的意思,其区别是: haste: 中性词,用作褒义指动作迅速,事情做得又快又好;作...
in a haze in a head lock, put in a head-lock, put in a headlock, get in a headlock, put in a heap in a heart beat in a heart-beat In a Heartbeat In a Heartbeat in a heartfelt way in a higher place in a holding pattern in a hole in a huff in a hurry in a hurry in...
Synonym of Quicken is Accelerate, Activate, Advance, Animate, Arouse, breathe new life into, Conceive, energize, enliven, expedite, get a move on, hasten, Hurry, hurry up, invigorate, pick up speed, reanimate, recreate, renovate, Repair, revitalise, revive, revivify, Speed, speed up, step ...
To leave or move in a hurry. "I've gotta book. I'll catch you later" or "Some guys were really booking down the street last night." Boss!Cool; awesome BougeIf something sucks it's Bouge! BrawlTo engage in a heavy fight, often to the death. BreadMoney; Cash. "Do you have any...