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The meaning of COLLAPSE/FALL IN A HEAP is to fall very suddenly to the ground and lie there. How to use collapse/fall in a heap in a sentence.
heap•Ace, Defries and Bernice fell in aheap.•Thejellycupboardwas on its back, itscontentslyingin aheapin thecornerof thebottomshelf.•Then she sees Rainbow'scast-offshirtat the foot of thestairs,tangledin aheapwith Anya's jeans.•Thekidsleft all theirwettowelsin aheapon thebathroo...
heap something with something meaning, definition, what is heap something with something: to put a lot of something on a surface: Learn more.
in a dither, all In a jittery, agitated state. This expression dates from the early 1800s, when it also was put asof a dither.The noundithercomes from the Middle English verbdidderen,meaning “to tremble.” A newer synonym isin a tizzy,dating from the first half of the 1900s. Its or...
As used in the ANPRM, "low activity" is a conceptual term that does not have a statutory or regulatory meaning.EdNationalRepaNationalEBSCO_bspWaste Age
In irony the words in a sentence are used in such a manner that the meaning of the sentence is just the opposite of what is intended to be expressed. Examples of Irony Oh! The fire station burnt down. But Brutus says he was ambitious; ...
then he walks away then he will answer t then heapos then hydrostatic corr then i am the best lo then i brought up the then i came to this c then i dont want no p then i dreamt over an then i feel the end o then i guess this is then i had lunch then i heard it then i ...
anti pollution measur anti reflective anti revolutionary anti skid pads anti hepatitis core a anti induction networ anti shoplifting secu anti universe anti with its meaning anti-air rocket anti-angiogenic facto anti-cavingcolla eage anti-clostridium perf anti-cold coefficienc anti-communiusm anti-conf...
The definition & meaning, examples & expressions, synonyms & antonyms, idioms & phrases, similar-form characters and Homophones of 成堆 in HanBook Chinese Dictionary. The Chinese translation of 成堆 is form a pile; be (piled) in heaps; pile/heap up .