Thanks so much to everyone who's been with me so far. Hopefully, this idea takes In a Galaxy Far, Far AwRy to the next level! — Liam, the release king Monday, November 16, 2020:: Took previews off the site Hola, mi amigos y amigas!
"A long time ago,in a galaxy(星系) far, faraway…" It’s been 31 years since the world first saw Star War. The film making industry was never the same after 25th May,1977,nor is the lively culture of the world. Luke Skywalker, a. day―dreaming young farmer on a distant planet...
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away的意思就是很久很久以前,在一个很远很远的星系里...(后面的意思是发生了什么什么事,直接引出星战的故事,这也是星战电影片头字幕给人的感觉) 至于galaxy是翻译成银河还是星系,我觉得没有差别,都一样,只不过有人非要较真这个银河是否是我们生存的银河,那么我从这句...
故事发生在很久很久以前,一个遥远的星系中(电影一开始就是这句话)。2 So the image comes from a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away 此图像来自很久以前在一个遥远的星系,很遥远
很久以前,在一个很遥远的银河系 galaxy也是三星盖乐世的意思,不同语境,不同翻译
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Though Star Wars appears to be set in a futuristic world where intergalactic travel, sentient robots, and laser battles are the norm, the film famously opens by stating that it takes place “a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…” How does this framing device affect the story?As...
专辑: Cartoon Hero (Array) 歌手:The Laszlo Project 还没有歌词哦The Laszlo Project - In a Galaxy Far Away / 已添加到播放列表 1 播放队列/1 1 In a Galaxy Far Away The Laszlo Project 01:35Mac版酷狗音乐已更新 就是歌多 详情 下载 ...
In a galaxy far far away...【转发】@中科院之声:【天文学家捕获的首张黑洞照片公布】该黑洞图像揭示了室女座星系团中超大质量星系 Messier 87中心的黑洞。该黑洞距离地球5500万光年,质量为太阳的65亿倍。图中...
A long time ago, in a galaxy far far, a gay... Apparently the whole Religious Right versus same sex-romance-in-Star Wars-video-games dogfight isn't over yet.Quick rewind: Recently, BioWare, the Apparently the whole Religious Right versus same sex-romance-in-Star Wars-video-games dog...