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bring it on -- bring it on ella ench bring me my arrows of bring me my lunch bri bring meine schÜrze n bring my talent into bring out in the open bring reproach upon bring sb for a visit bring sb sthbring sth bring sensitive issue bring something else bring sth forward bring sth...
Laboratory data for small prokaryotic cells (white points, a) and eukaryotic cells (white points, b) at a variety of growth rates and light intensities (excluding a few outliers) (see Supplementary Data and references there). Arrows indicate the stoichiometric ratios predicted by the allocation ...
it is natural to think specifically of the temple. Further, in the light of the second half of the psalm, the house refers to the family as well as to a physical structure.(The Reformation Bible)
Arrows indicate the time point at which the samples were taken for RNA-SIP analysis. Symbols: empty circles, control (no supplemental glucose); filled squares, [13C]-glucose treatments; filled triangles, [12C]-glucose treatments. The ISME Journal Methanogenic food web in the gut contents of ...
Mating generally occurs after individuals reach adulthood. In many arthropods including spiders, the adult stage is marked by a final moult after which the genitalia are fully developed and functional. In several widow spider species (genus Latrodectus),
The vector arrows signify the direction of maximum correlation for each gene in the ordination space and are significant at p < 0.05. The length of the arrows signifies the strength of the relationship of each metric and the two NMDS metrics, with longer arrows signifying greater strength. ...
Black and white arrows show modified and intact integumentary epithelium, respectively. Red arrows point to body wall muscles. The red line marks the new developing tail region, the green line marks the new developing head region within the fission zone, and the asterisk marks the posterior ...
We conducted this study in the > 800 m2 large rainforest house at the Vienna Zoo. This enclosure has three levels, with a large cascading waterfall. The rainforest house also contains over 15 bird species (> 150 individuals) endemic to the South-East Asian rainforest (see ...
Diarrheal piglets exhibit a breached inner mucus layer. A Representative images of AB-PAS-stained colonic sections. Scale bar = 100 μm. B The number of goblet cells in the colon. C Representative UEA staining of colonic sections. White arrows point to the inner mucus layer. Scale bar = 40...