The meaning of IN is —used as a function word to indicate inclusion, location, or position within limits. How to use in in a sentence.
The increase in GDP, meager as it was, enabled the EU to narrowly avoid a technical recession which is defined as two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth. The GDP of the EU registered a quarterly contraction of 0.1 percent in the fourth quarter of 2022. Nonetheless, the nascent and...
A Student Film Festival Student Film Festival celebrates learning across the curriculum through the exciting and dynamic medium of short film. Through film, students can tell stories, investigate ideas, document learning in any ...
We defined human ROIs as the image regions that the clinicians annotated to explain their diagnoses in phase 1. For the machine ROIs, we computed the gradient-weighted class activation maps (Grad-CAMs11) for the same images, i.e., the image regions that had the biggest influence on the ...
that govern ethical relationships in a moral economy in which reputation is valued highly and fiercely guarded. Introduced into a setting where he is flanked by a Roman goddess and a pastoral shepherdess, he is defined by roma...
Using more than one DRA per domain, and storing the actual private keys for the DRAs on a medium (floppy disk, CD-ROM, etc.) that can be secured and retrieved only when appropriate security policies and practices have been followed. DRAs may be defined at the site, domain or OU like ...
x does when the user deletes or updates a record. Unlike the DataGrid, though, the GridView defines internal handlers for these events. The default handlers retrieve the commands defined on the bound data source to handle these operations and execute them. As Figure 4 demonstrates, no code is...
aM1 is a narrowly defined measure of money supply that includes currency, coins, and demand deposits (such as checking accounts) in commercial banks that are used primarily for transactions or as a medium of exchange. M1是一项狭窄地被定义的措施 货币量 在主要为交易使用的商业银行中包括货币、硬币...
Technologically critical rare-earth elements are notoriously difficult to separate, owing to their subtle differences in ionic radius and coordination number1–3. The natural lanthanide-binding protein lanmodulin (LanM)4,5 is a sustainable alternative to
Here, to experimentally verify this presumption, we constructed 8,341 yeast mutants each carrying a synonymous, nonsynonymous or nonsense mutation in one of 21 endogenous genes with diverse functions and expression levels and measured their fitness relative to the wild type in a rich medium. Three-...