And a crowd of thousands 那片茫茫人海 粤:她的可 爱身影 She sat straight 她端坐着 粤:銮舆内 As a queen 如一位女王 粤:正衿坐 Only eight but so proud and serene 八岁的她,自豪又安详 粤:童年样 却稳如 一国君 How they cheered 队伍在欢呼 粤:人潮像 How I stared 我凝望注目 粤:浪汹...
In a Crowd of Thousands - Derek Klena/Christy Altomare/Stephen Flaherty/Lynn Ahrens It was June I was ten I still think of that day now and then A parade and a girl And a crowd of thousands She sat straight As a queen Only eight but so proud and serene How they ...
I still think of that day now and then 至今仍然时时回想起那一天 粤:在脑海挥不去总记起 A parade and a girl 那支队伍,那位姑娘 粤:人群内遇见了 And a crowd of thousands 那片茫茫人海 粤:她的可爱身影 She sat straight 她端坐着 粤:銮舆内 As a queen 如一位女王 粤:正衿坐 Only eight bu...
李科- In a Crowd of Thousands (Demo) 专辑: cover 歌手:李科 我时常回忆起 十岁那年的相遇 皇宫盛大游行 当中有个身影 她圣洁她美丽 有皇后般的威仪 人民为她欢呼 歌声震耳欲聋 而我目不转睛 心跳为我指引 奋不顾身向她跑去 喊出他的名字 他看着我 露出笑容 那一刻太美好 ...
《In A Crowd of Thousands》翻唱 🔗见🍎 策划:是诶缀安不是肾上腺素 【梦启天明】@是诶缀安不是肾上腺素 翻唱: Dmitry — 时曳 Anya — 是诶缀安不是肾上腺素 【梦启天明】@是诶缀安不是肾上腺素 人声后期:某...
A parade and a girl And a crowd of thousands She sat straight As a queen Only eight but so proud and serene How they cheered How I stared In that crowd of thousands And I started to run And to call out her name As the crowd on the road went wild I reached out with my hand And...