Stateflow3327855Error message hyperlinks and sfhelp result in "Documentation File Not Found" error Stateflow3334287MATLAB crashes when simulating a Stateflow chart that uses a MATLAB Function to trigger a local event Stateflow3367977DisablingSaturate on integer overflowproperty does not prevent safe cast...
For the Year in Review 2021, see Sexton et al.2023. 2. Consistent with the Year in Review 2021, the term ‘IHL’ will be used throughout this chapter over the term—‘law of armed conflict’ (‘LOAC’)—; the LOAC is considered synonymous to IHL. 3. Geneva Convention for the Amelio...
As can be seen, the autocorrelation function under medetomidine exhibits 3 oscillations before the amplitude decays to 1/e (~37%), 2 cycles after adding isoflurane at 1% and no complete cycle under deep anesthesia, similar to what is observed in the postmortem scan. Full size image The autoco...
在硫同位素的分析测试中,将挑好的硫化物单矿物与氧化亚铜按一定比例研磨、混合均匀后,进行氧化反应生成SO2并用冷冻法收集,然后用MAT251气体同位素质谱仪分析硫同位素组成,测量结果以V-CDT为标准,分析精度优于±0.2%。铅同位素测试依据GB/T 17672-1999《岩石中铅、锶、钕同位素测定方法》,样品先用混合酸分解,然后用树...
andEMM2000SV.COF should all be zipped into an archive with the name and placed into ./Magnetism/data . If all of the data for a single year is loaded, then a .mat file containing the data is placed in the data folder to speed up subsequent calls to the ...
创建指向原始图像文件的链接或文件路径。如果未选择此选项,则所有图像数据都将嵌入 InDesign 文档。 移去空白栏的空行 移去空域中插入的段落回车符。这在包含可选地址域的邮件中尤为有用。此选项将忽略软回车。如果该行上存在任何字符(包括空格),则不删除该行。
12862_2013_2763_MOESM2_ESM.pdf Additional file 2: Figure S1: The phylogenetic tree of hydrophobins from a representative set of basidiomycetes and ascomycetes. Neighbor-Joining tree showing the phylogenetic relationships between selected fungal hydrophobins. Bootstrap support values above 30 (in percen...
LLAMA_CUDA_MMV_Y Positive integer 1 Block size in y direction for the CUDA mul mat vec kernels. Increasing this value can improve performance on fast GPUs. Power of 2 recommended. LLAMA_CUDA_F16 Boolean false If enabled, use half-precision floating point arithmetic for the CUDA dequantization...
The images created were in the Keyhole Markup Language (KML) file format and were created as a layer in the GIS software using the “KML to Layer” operation. In this study, it was not possible to compare the LULC map, which is shown in Figure 22, and the risk map, which is shown...
Precipitation had no effect on caryopsis biomass, whereas warming significantly reduced it (F72 = 3.84, P = 0.037, Table 1, Additional file 1: Fig. 2). There was significant interaction between the effects of precipitation and warming on total ramet number (F72 = 2.88, P ...