Within the current observational limits, and as expected for cooling INSs, no significant variation (> 2σ) has been identified over the first two-year time span of the survey. Upcoming dedicated follow-up observations will help us to confirm the candidates’ nature. FullText for HTML: https:...
such as duplications (DUPs), insertions (INSs), deletions (DELs), translocations (TRAs) and inversions (INVs). Although the previous results showed that HPV integration can cause genomic SVs near integration sites, HPV integration events may also cause SVs in other regions of the human genome...
www.nature.com/scientificreports OPEN Inferring origin‑destination distribution of agent transfer in a complex network using deep gated recurrent units Vee‑Liem Saw 1, Luca Vismara 1, Suryadi 1, Bo Yang 1, Mikael Johansson 2 & Lock Yue Chew 1* ...
For example, Table 3’s (R2, C4) presents the 3D CNN-based HAR model which includes 3 convolutional layers of size (32, 64,128) followed by a pooling layer, then an FC layer of size (128) and a softmax layer. Entry (R2, C6) illustrate the validation strategy (10% data was used...
For example, Table 3’s (R2, C4) presents the 3D CNN-based HAR model which includes 3 convolutional layers of size (32, 64,128) followed by a pooling layer, then an FC layer of size (128) and a softmax layer. Entry (R2, C6) illustrate the validation strategy (10% data was used...
FigureFi1g0u.reR1o0o.tRmooetamn esaqnusaqruedareddevdieavtiiaotnion(R(MRMSDSD))oofftthhee ppuuggnniinnssininSS.a.uarueruesums memebmrabnreanmeomdeol.del. Figure 11 showsFitghuerein1te1rmshoolwecsutlhaer iinntteerrmacotlieocnuslabreitnwteereanctitohnespbuegtwnienens atnhde tphuegncoinms...
Keywords: sex chromosomes; Hill–Robertson interference; male-driven molecular evolution; pseu- doautosomal region; pseudogenes; purifying selection; protein structure; Psittaciformes Birds 2022, 3, 51–70. https://doi.org/10.3390/birds3010004 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/birds Birds 2022, 3, FOR...
r(.B()BD)aDtaataas ains AinbAutbpultopttleodttteodentoabelneacbolme cpoamrispoanribseotnwbeeentwDeGenRPDsGtrRaPinss.trains. ((CC))TThheetitmimeebbetewtweeenenovoivpiopsoitsiiotnioannadnedcleocslioosniofonrfionrdiinvdidivuiadluflaielsfliiseisnidsiicnadteidca. t(eDd).D(Dat)aDasatina aCs...
SmSmalal-lla-nagnlgeleX-Xr-aryay scsactattetreirnigngoror X-Xr-aryaydidffifrfarcatcitoinon X-Xr-aryaydedteetcetcotrosr:s: UUSASAXSX,SS, ASAXSX,SW, WAAXSXS FFFigiigguuurerree22.2..SScSchchheememmaataittciiccooofffCCCSSPSPPssttsaatgaggeeegggeeooeommmeetetrrtyyryffooforr riinninssiisttu...
[128]. In addition, molecular studies on soybeans have shown that an increase in ethylene production induced by high temperatures is associated with a decrease in photosynthetic activity and an increase in lipid peroxidation and reactive oxygen species accumulation [129]. Drought-tolerant plants ...