Radionuclide Ommayagrams in 25 patients with were performed after injection of 0.5 mCl of In-111 DTPA into Ommaya shunt reservoirs to evaluate cerebrospinal fluid-shunt communication, detect the blockage of the cerebrospinal fluid pathway, evaluate the cerebrospinal fluid flow pattern, and predict the ...
In-111-DTPA-IgG: A NON-SPECIFIC POLYCLONAL ANTIBODY FOR IMAGING INFECTION/INFLAMATIONdoi:10.1097/00003072-199005000-00032W. WegenerH. G. VelchikD. WeissA. ByarS. TerM. NeptuneA. AlaviClinical Nuclear Medicine
利用二乙撑三胺五醋酸(DTPA)与111InCl3制成了放射性药物111 In-DTPA对111 In- DTPA进行活性测定、放射化学纯度分析、动物体内分布试验和人体脑肿瘤扫描显像试验的结果表明,111In-DTPA是一种理想的可作为核医学基础研究和临床应用的脑扫描显像剂.点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 ...
Human polyclonal antibody (HIgG) was successively labeled with 111-indium chloride after residulation with freshly prepared cyclic DTPA-dianhydride. The best results of the conjugation were obtained by the addition of solid DTPA-dianhydride (0.1-0.3 mg) to 100 μl of the HIgG solution (0.2-0.4...
111In-Labeled DTPA conjugated anti-c-kit monoclonal antibody 12A8 Fab fragment 来自 NCBI 喜欢 0 阅读量: 24 作者: Chopra A. In: Molecular Imaging and Contrast Agent Database 摘要: The c-kit (CD 117 antigen or stem cell factor ligand receptor) is a 145-kDa type III glycoprotein receptor ...
中文名称:双功能螯合物标记抗体 英文名称:111In-DTPA-avastin 颜色:/ 纯度:95%+ 储存:-20℃ 用途:科研
111In-DTPA-DBCO 可以用作分子标记剂,特别是在研究 细胞追踪 和 分子交联 时。通过点击化学反应将其与细胞表面分子或标记探针结合,可以跟踪细胞在体内的定位和迁移过程。在 蛋白质相互作用研究 中,DBCO 基团可以用于与特定的 azide 标记分子 发生反应,实现分子交联或蛋白质捕获。药物递送系统:111In-DTPA-DBCO ...
1994. [111In]-DTPA-labeled analogues of alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone for melanoma targeting: receptor binding in vitro and in vivo. Int J Cancer, 58:749-55.Bagutti, C., et al., [111In]-DTPA-Labeled Analogues of α-Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone For Melanoma Targeting: Receptor ...
摘要: 088~(111)In-DTPA-澳曲肽用于小细胞肺癌生长激素抑制素受体显像的初步研究[英]MainiCL…NuclMedCommun.-1993,14(11).-962~968小细胞肺癌(SCLC)的细胞表面均有生长激素抑制素(SS)受体,并与SC...DOI: CNKI:SUN:GWYF.0.1994-04-024 年份: 1994 ...