This year, 2023, is believed to be the first hugely profitable year for micro-dramas in the Chinese market. Short dramas have become a hot investment project throughout the year, creating one instant millionaire after another. ...
Conservation and Utilization of Mineral Resources, 2023, 43(2): 169-169. doi: 10.13779/j.cnki.issn1001-0076.2023.02.025 [8] SU Xingguo, ZHOU Libo, LI Wenbo, MA Zifei, YANG Guang, ZHANG Dong, CHENG Shaokai. Study on Selective Flocculation-High Gradient High Intensity Magnetic Separation ...
By:Chris Kolmar Updated: 2023-11-06 We all love the biggest cities that the Old Line State has to offer. You know the places like Baltimore and Columbia which make all the headlines. But there are a bunch of other great large cities in Maryland that don't get as much love. ...
2023年3月20日,创响生物 (Inmagene Biopharmaceuticals, 下简称“创响”) 宣布,与合作伙伴瑞典Affibody公司及美国ACELYRIN公司共同开发的IL-17A融合蛋白拮抗剂izokibep (IMG-020) 在治疗中重度化脓性汗腺炎 (hidradenitis suppurativa, HS) 的临床2b/3期研究数据在美国皮肤病学会(AAD)年会发表。该临床试验是一项评价...
Krung Thep Aphiwat Central station: Since 19 January 2023, all long distance trains leave from (& arrive at) the impressive new Krung Thep Aphiwat Central station, located some 7 km north of Bangkok Hualamphong. Normally abbreviated as KTW, this modern out-of-town airport terminal for trains...
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications volume 10, Article number: 226 (2023) Cite this article 5319 Accesses 2 Citations 2 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract The local communities living around national parks or areas like World Heritage Site (WHS) are crucial stakeholders to such settings. ...
Geoscience Frontiers, 2023, 14(5): 101590. DOI: 10.1016/j.gsf.2023.101590 Citation: Chen-Hao Luo, Rui Wang, Yun Zhao, Jian Huang, Noreen J. Evans. Mobilization of Cu in the continental lower crust: A perspective from Cu isotopes[J]. Geoscience Frontiers, 2023, 14(5): 101590. DOI...
Cite this article Iman BANERJEE. Production of Railwayscape in urban environment: Analysing railway heritage tourism potential in Siliguri City, India. Regional Sustainability, 2023, 4(1): 1-12 doi:10.1016/j.regsus.2023.02.001 1. Introduction Visiting place with gr...
Article Open access 10 April 2023 References Hall, E. O. The deformation and ageing of mild steel: III. Discussion of results. Proc. Phys. Soc. Sect. B 64, 747–753 (1951). Article Google Scholar Petch, N. J. The cleavage strength of polycrystals. J. Iron Steel Inst. 174, 25–...
R version 4.3.0 (2023-04-21 ucrt) Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit) Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 19045) Matrix products: default locale: [1] LC_COLLATE=English_United Kingdom.utf8 [2] LC_CTYPE=English_United Kingdom.utf8 [3] LC_MONETARY=English_United Kingdom....